19 Jun Zulu Online Course – (Business)
Zulu or isiZulu is a widely spoken language in South Africa, characterised by its clicking consonants – vestiges of a the influence of the San and Khoi peoples who were the indigenous people of South Africa. Like many other African languages, Zulu is tonal and slight variations in tone can alter the meanings of similarly spelled words, so be careful! However, if you are to pick a South African language to learn, this might be the one for you. It is spoken by over 22% of South Africans and understood by about half the population, making it very easily accessible.
Continue your learning and improve your job prospects with every level. With our Zulu Business course, you can:
- Talk about yourself and your company
- Arrange and attend business meetings
- Talk on the phone and leave messages
- Describe your product
- Use phrases to help with negotiation and sales
- Discuss agreements and contracts
- Talk about banking and accounting
- Use key phrases for business travel
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