Personal Finance Course Online With Certificate - Start Learning

Personal Finance Course Online

This course touches on the benefits of budgeting, determining income and expenses, the types of expenses and ways of reducing them, the tools that can be used to manage a budget, debt and additional income.


$77.94 $12.99 one-time payment

(1,867 ratings) 8,589 students
866 711-9111
(9.00 AM To 6 PM EST)

Course Description

This course may be eligible for CEUs*

For many people, finances are an unsolvable Rubik’s cube filled with anxiety. The stress that financial problems bring along with them often has a detrimental impact on our lives, it is a source of tension that can jeopardize our family balance. There are millions of people who live with the shackles of debt each day, however, we don’t teach children when they are young how to manage, spend and invest money.

Many people have a hard time formatting and sticking to a budget, but you can solve the finance puzzle with a little hard work, self-control, and the right tools.

This course touches on the benefits of budgeting, determining income and expenses, the types of expenses and ways of reducing them, the tools that can be used to manage a budget, debt and additional income.

Benefits of Enrolling in The Personal Finance Certification

You can utilize this personal finance course online as a road map to financial stability. It includes all the pertinent instructions required to ensure the pragmatic application of the acquired skills.

Cudoo gives you resources to assist you in internalizing the information you’ve gained, getting started on your path to financial independence, and continuing that path. These resources go along with the learning and practical implementation.

Therefore, if you want to prepare for financial independence, now is the opportunity to invest in yourselves by taking one of the best online courses in personal finance.


By the end of this course you will be able to:

  • Determine your income and personal expenses
  • Recognize the benefits of making a budget
  • Set financial goals
  • Develop good spending habits
  • Pay off debt
  • Make a realistic and effective budget


This course is designed for:

  • Anyone who wants to develop their personal financial skills
  • Anyone who wants to learn the basics of budget management and investment


None / No previous knowledge is required


6 hours


This course comes with 12 modules consisting of videos, text, case studies and quizzes.

It is a self-paced program available 24/7. Participants can learn at their own pace, anytime, anywhere and on any device.


A participation certificate will be issued on completion of the course.

Course Content


Lesson 1: The Benefits of Budgeting


Lesson 2: WhatBudgetto Consider Before Creating a


Lesson 3: Fixed Personal Expenses


Lesson 4: Fluctuating Personal Expenses


Lesson 5: Establishing One’s Goals


Lesson 6: Determining Cuts


Lesson 7: Tools for Budgeting


Lesson 8: Sticking with One’s Budget


Lesson 9: Additional Ways to Make Money


Lesson 10: Paying Off Debt


Lesson 11: Download Course Curriculum

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Once you have completed your course you can immediately log in to your account and download/print your certificate.
  • How long is my certificate valid for?
    Your certificate has lifetime validity. It does not expire.
  • How can I pay?
    Our subscriptions are processed by PayPal, Stripe, Apple Pay or Amazon Pay or you can use any Visa, Mastercard or American Express for payments. Cudoo does not collect or store your credit/debit card details.
  • Is my payment secure?
    Your payment is totally secure. All payments are processed through a secure HTTPS web page using SSL. Cudoo never collects or stores your credit/debit card or bank details.
  • How do I use Cudoo once I have paid?
    Once you have created your account and paid, you will receive a welcome email with a link to your learning platform so you can immediately start learning.

Example Certificate

Cudoo Certificate Sample
SKU: managing-personal-finances Category:

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Course features:

10 hours

Full Lifetime Access

Certificate of completion

1073 Enrolled

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