18 Sep Esperanto Online Course – Level 1
Esperanto is a constructed international language, created in 1887 by Polish polyglot and eye doctor Ludvic Lazarus Zamenhof. He published his work “Lingvo Internacia”(International language) under the pseudonym ‘Doctor Esperanto’, ‘Esperanto’ meaning ‘one who is hoping’. What was he hoping? He wished that a common language would play the role of a neutral means of communication between people belonging to different nations and speaking different languages.
It is the most widely spoken, artificially constructed language in the world – up to 2,000,000 people worldwide, to varying degrees, speak Esperanto.
Although no country has adopted Esperanto officially, “Esperantujo” is the name given to places where it is spoken worldwide. One of the easiest languages to master, people usually learn the language by self-study, online courses, which makes it perfect for Cudoo!
With our Esperanto Starter Microlearning Course, you can:
- Introduce yourself and others
- Talk about colors
- Use numbers 1-20
- Use the days of the week
- Use simple greetings
- Talk about professions
- Talk about countries and where you live
- Tell the time
- Give your phone number and contact details
- Talk about food and drinks