Traveling to France? Prepare your trip with some essential French words and phrases to get around, make friends and impress the locals!
As a tourist, understanding and appreciating the culture is essential to make the most out of your trip. It all starts with learning the basics of the language, allowing you to connect with new French acquaintances.
This French online course will provide you with all the important greetings, expressions of politeness, cultural etiquette, and phrases to use when traveling to France or any French-speaking country.
Why Should You Learn the French Language?
The history of the French language has been intriguing. Studying French can help you connect with the heritage of France, which has historically been a pioneer in literature, cuisine, and economics, as well as the numerous nations that have French as their official language. It belongs to the family of romance languages and can be directly traced to Latin and other early influences on the language.
French vocabulary and French grammar have also influenced English.
Now you have the opportunity to learn the French language online and interact with native speakers across the world who have played a significant role historically. Our vision of the world has been greatly impacted by French culture and mastering French as a second language enables you to acquire the competencies you need for employment or travel.
It’s time to fulfill your dreams of studying French or enjoying your favorite novels in their native tongue.
We’ve done the academic bit, so you don’t have to!
Immediately learn what you need, as you need it.
Don’t start with the alphabet or the boring stuff, we bring you the most relevant parts of the language so that you can start with ‘Bonjour’. Micro videos let you pick and choose how you learn so you can get started immediately.
Not traveling to France just yet?
Learning French is also great to boost your career prospects. French is a vital skill to have when working in industries, such as fashion, luxury retail, automotive and aviation.
With hundreds of short videos and micro-lessons, get certified and start speaking French in no time!