19 Jun Kazakh Online Course – (Business)
Kazakh is the official language of Kazakhstan, along with Russian. Kazakhs are historically a nomadic people, so Kazakh has been influenced over the centuries by the travellers of the Silk Road, Persian, Mongolian, Uzbek, Uyghur, and especially Russian, making it a fascinating lingo to learn! Many of their cultural symbols reflect nomadic life, and the horse is probably the most central part of Kazakh culture, along with the rare animals of their mountains, such as snow leopards, eagles, and falcon.s Also central to Kazakh symbolism are Muslim symbols. Kazakhs are Muslim by history, the traditionally Muslim star and crescent can be widely seen as you travel throughout Kazakhstan.
Continue your learning and improve your job prospects with every level. With our Kazakh Business course, you can:
- Talk about yourself and your company
- Arrange and attend business meetings
- Talk on the phone and leave messages
- Describe your product
- Use phrases to help with negotiation and sales
- Discuss agreements and contracts
- Talk about banking and accounting
- Use key phrases for business travel