18 Sep Malayalam Online Course – Level 1
Malayalam is a Dravidian language with about 38 million speakers, spoken mainly in the southwest of India, particularly in Kerala, and in the union territories of Lakshadweep and Puducherry. Dravidian is a word that simply means the family of languages spoken in southern India and Sri Lanka or the people who speak them. Learn Malayalam to enjoy Malayalam movies and literature. If you speak Tamil or have some previous knowledge of the language then it makes it a lot easier to learn Malayalam.
Did you know? The name Keralam (Kerala) is believed to have originated from the word “kera” and “alam”. Kera means coconut and alam means land or location, which makes it the “The Land Of Coconut Trees”.
With our Malayalam Starter Online Course, you can:
- Introduce yourself and others
- Talk about colors
- Use numbers 1-20
- Use the days of the week
- Use simple greetings
- Talk about professions
- Talk about countries and where you live
- Tell the time
- Give your phone number and contact details
- Talk about food and drinks
Learn Malayalam online and introduce yourself to words and phrases commonly used in Kerala. With our language course, you can practice online at your own pace, anytime, anywhere and from any device.
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