Multi-Level Marketing - Online Course - Cudoo

Multi-Level Marketing – Online Course

Multi-level marketing is a business marketing strategy that many companies use in order to encourage their current sales agents to perform while at the same time growing the team by recruiting and training new agents. Multi-level marketing can prove to be an extremely valuable tool, but for many business people the simple thought of it can seem kind of scary. It is often misrepresented as a ‘pyramid scheme’, which can make some business owners weary. Others may simply not have any information about it. But with a little education and training, many people find multi-level marketing the best marketing system for their company.

This course touches on how multi-level marketing works, how to build a contact list, how to recruit and train new agents, sponsorship and mentorship, training in: marketing presentation, social media, recruitment and ethics.


At the end of this course you will be able to:

  • Understand how multi-level marketing works
  • Build contacts
  • Recruit new agents
  • Use social media
  • Provide training for recruits


This course is designed for:

  • Business owners
  • Multi-level marketing agents
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