01 May Thai Online Course – Level 3
Learn Thai and enjoy a journey of beauty, from the graceful loops of its beautiful script to the musical lilt of its friendly language. You may not even realize if someone is telling you off in Thai because the smiles and tones convey a kinder sound than the meaning! From delicious Thai cuisine to it breathtaking mountains, rain-forests and beaches, the best reason to learn Thai is the reward of communicating with the warm and friendly people of this peaceful country. The belief system and values of Buddhism play a huge role in day-to-day life and play a major influence on its culture. Throughout the country, the most important values that Thai people hold to are respect, self-control, and a non-confrontational attitude.
Continue your learning and improve your job prospects with every level. With our Thai A1.2 Microlearning you can:
- Ask for locations or places using “where?”
- Recognize parts of the body
- Ask politely using “could”
- Learn how to order food and drinks at a restaurant
- Learn how to ask for information in a hotel
- Able to express yourself in the future tense
* All Cudoo language Microlearning courses are mapped to international CEFR levels and “Can Do” statements, and ACTFL standards.
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