Learning Bengali for Beginners - Online Course & Certificate - Level 1

Learn Bengali Online – Level 1

Divulge in the experience of learning Bengali, one of the sweetest treasures of South Asia 


$77.94 $12.99 one-time payment

(1,867 ratings) 8,589 students
866 711-9111
(9.00 AM To 6 PM EST)

Course Description

This course may be eligible for CEUs*

Spoken in West Bengal, India, and Bangladesh, Bengali is a language native to South Asia. It is the official language of Bangladesh and is spoken widely in the borders of India that merge with it, in West Bengal. History shows that both parts, now separated by borders, used to exist as one in the grand pre-modern India, with the language of Bengali.

One of the beautiful aspects of Bengali, formerly known as Bangla, is the extensive amount of literature and prose written in it. With intricate grammar structure and elegant pronunciations that roll of the tongue sweetly, Bengali is spoken by a population of over 220 million people as their mother tongue or second language in India and Bangladesh. Get speaking in a matter of days when you learn Bengali online with us.

Did you know: the Indian national anthem has been composed in Bengali owing to its sophisticated structure and vocabulary.


Bengali originated in the Indo-Aryan times in the subcontinent evolving from ancient languages such as Sanskrit and Magadhi Prakrit.

Why Bengali?

Bengali is one of the oldest languages to have been recorded and spoken by millions right now, increasing its demand in the professional realm. Secondly, the Bengali language has produced some of the most wonderful pieces of art in literature and film that are worth enjoying in their authentic form rather than their translated versions. Another reason to learn Bengali is that it has no gender differentiation in the dialect which reduces the amount of work that needs to be put in for you to grasp the full picture.

Why should you opt for a language course, specifically an online one?

Learning Bengali online has several benefits but essentially it opens your world to diversity. Learning a new language will not only improve your communication skills but will also give you an edge in your professional life.

An online course serves the purpose to provide you with exactly what you want within the comfort of your own home. You can take the lessons wherever you want without disrupting your already busy schedule.

Course Range:

By the end of the course, you will have more than a basic comprehension of Bengali. You’ll be able to introduce yourself, count numbers, ask questions, order food and make new friends! The course will also help you exchange phone numbers, and learn the names of common fruits and vegetables, etc.

Course Features:

We have carefully put together an extensive course that will ensure you make the most of it, learning at your own pace.

  • Lifetime access via web or mobile
  • 28 interactive lessons
  • Assessment
  • Certification upon completion

Course Content




Greetings of the Day


How are you?


More Greetings


Please and thank you


I don’t understand






Countries Part 2


Countries Part 3


Numbers 0 – 10


Numbers 11 – 20


Where are you from?


What is the telephone number?


Give your contact details


Where do you live?


What do you do?




What’s this called?








What would you like to drink?


General food


In the kitchen


The verb to be


The verb to be – questions


The verb to be – more questions

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Once you have completed your course you can immediately log in to your account and download/print your certificate.
  • How long is my certificate valid for?
    Your certificate has lifetime validity. It does not expire.
  • How can I pay?
    Our subscriptions are processed by PayPal, Stripe, Apple Pay or Amazon Pay or you can use any Visa, Mastercard or American Express for payments. Cudoo does not collect or store your credit/debit card details.
  • Is my payment secure?
    Your payment is totally secure. All payments are processed through a secure HTTPS web page using SSL. Cudoo never collects or stores your credit/debit card or bank details.
  • How do I use Cudoo once I have paid?
    Once you have created your account and paid, you will receive a welcome email with a link to your learning platform so you can immediately start learning.

Example Lesson

Cudoo Lesson Sample

Example Certificate

Cudoo Certificate Sample
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Course features:

28 Lessons

Full Lifetime Access

Certificate of completion

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