19 Jun Galician Online Course – (Business)
Galician is one of Spain’s 5 official languages, spoken by about 3 million people in Galicia (the north-west corner of Spain). Santiago de Compostela is one of Galicia’s most famous cities, the final stop on Camino de Santiage pilgrimage trail. It’s also known for its rías, 1200km of coastal estuaries with seafood being a major part of the Galician culture and language. Galician is making a comeback, with over 90% speaking the language in the region. If you are looking to visit the “terra de meigas” or “land of witches”, as Galicia is known, then make sure you know at least a few words of this language of the ancient pilgrims. Did you know? Galician is also very similar to Portuguese, but uses similar spelling rules as Spanish.
Continue your learning and improve your job prospects with every level. With our Galician Business course, you can:
- Talk about yourself and your company
- Arrange and attend business meetings
- Talk on the phone and leave messages
- Describe your product
- Use phrases to help with negotiation and sales
- Discuss agreements and contracts
- Talk about banking and accounting
- Use key phrases for business travel