Crowd Management Certification Course

This course will outline key considerations for those involved in controlling crowds or planning large-scale events. It will provide guidance on keeping the public safe and putting together emergency plans.


$149.94 $24.99 one-time payment

(1,867 ratings) 8,589 students
866 711-9111
(9.00 AM To 6 PM EST)

Course Description

This course may be eligible for CEUs*

Crowd Management Certificate

Good crowd control is essential in preventing crushing, outbreaks of violence, riots, and other potential incidents that can occur when a large number of people are gathered together in one place.

This course will outline key considerations for those involved in controlling crowds or planning large-scale events. It will provide guidance on keeping the public safe and putting together emergency plans.

You Will Learn:

  • The three main phases of an event you need to consider when planning crowd control measures
  • What to do if the number of people attempting to gain admission exceeds the capacity of a venue
  • How to ensure that everyone knows their role in the crowd control team
  • How to put together a plan to cover every eventuality
  • How to liaise with third parties to coordinate crowd control

Benefits of Taking This Course:

  • If you are planning a large event, this course will help you uphold your responsibility to ensure public safety
  • If you work in an industry that brings you into contact with crowds, such as catering, this course will provide you with valuable safety information
  • If you work in the security field, this course will give you a brief overview of issues in crowd control
  • If you are responsible for conducting risk assessments at work, this course will help you conduct an assessment if your business is planning a large event

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Once you have completed your course you can immediately log in to your account and download/print your certificate.
  • How long is my certificate valid for?
    Your certificate has lifetime validity. It does not expire.
  • How can I pay?
    Our subscriptions are processed by PayPal, Stripe, Apple Pay or Amazon Pay or you can use any Visa, Mastercard or American Express for payments. Cudoo does not collect or store your credit/debit card details.
  • Is my payment secure?
    Your payment is totally secure. All payments are processed through a secure HTTPS web page using SSL. Cudoo never collects or stores your credit/debit card or bank details.
  • How do I use Cudoo once I have paid?
    Once you have created your account and paid, you will receive a welcome email with a link to your learning platform so you can immediately start learning.

Example Certificate

Cudoo Certificate Sample
SKU: BEA-UKVC18CRO Categories: ,

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Course features:

1 hour

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Certificate of completion

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