Learn Problem Solving and Decision Making Training Course

Problem Solving and Decision Making Training Course

Learn how to use problem-solving tools and effectively research solutions with a plan for implementation


$77.94 $12.99 one-time payment

(1,867 ratings) 8,589 students
866 711-9111
(9.00 AM To 6 PM EST)

Course Description

This course may be eligible for CEUs*

We make decisions and solve problems continually. We start making decisions before we even get out of bed (shall I get up now or not?). Sometimes, we will have made as many as 50 decisions by the time we leave for work. Despite all the natural decision making that goes on and the problem solving we do, some people are very uncomfortable with having to make decisions. You may know someone who has a hard time making decisions about what to eat, never mind the internal wrestling they go through in order to take on major decisions at work. Likewise, we’ve probably all looked at a solution to something and said, “I could have thought of that.” The key to finding creative solutions is not just creativity, although that will certainly help. The answer rests in our ability to identify options, research them, and then put things together in a way that works. Having a process to work through can take the anxiety out of problem solving and make decisions easier.

This course will teach you how to:

  • Apply problem solving steps and tools
  • Analyze information to clearly describe problems
  • Identify appropriate solutions
  • Think creatively and be a contributing member of a problem solving team
  • Select the best approach for making decisions
  • Create a plan for implementing, evaluating, and following up on decisions
  • Avoid common decision-making mistakes

Course Content


Session One: Course Overview


Session Two: Definitions


Session Three: Making Decisions


Session Four: Getting Real


Session Five: The Problem Solving Model


Session Six: Case Study


Session Seven: The Problem Solving Toolkit.


Session Eight: Aspirinia


Session Nine: Swotting Up


Session Ten: Making Good Group Decisions


Session Eleven: Analyzing and Selecting Solutions


Session Twelve: Planning and Organizing

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Once you have completed your course you can immediately log in to your account and download/print your certificate.
  • How long is my certificate valid for?
    Your certificate has lifetime validity. It does not expire.
  • How can I pay?
    Our subscriptions are processed by PayPal, Stripe, Apple Pay or Amazon Pay or you can use any Visa, Mastercard or American Express for payments. Cudoo does not collect or store your credit/debit card details.
  • Is my payment secure?
    Your payment is totally secure. All payments are processed through a secure HTTPS web page using SSL. Cudoo never collects or stores your credit/debit card or bank details.
  • How do I use Cudoo once I have paid?
    Once you have created your account and paid, you will receive a welcome email with a link to your learning platform so you can immediately start learning.

Example Certificate

Cudoo Certificate Sample
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Course features:

10 hours

Full Lifetime Access

Certificate of completion

2180 Enrolled

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