Hospitality Sign Language Course Online - Start Learning

Learn American Sign Language for Hospitality

Boost your resumé with our American Sign Language for Hospitality course. Our course is tailored for those working in any position in the hospitality industry!


$599.94 $99.99 one-time payment

(1,867 ratings) 8,589 students
866 711-9111
(9.00 AM To 6 PM EST)

Course Description

This course may be eligible for CEUs*

Duration: minimum of 50 hours of online learning

Our unique American Sign Language for Hospitality online course covers important everyday topics and signs while communicating with your Deaf and Hard of hearing hotel guests. The comprehensive course covers everything from the ASL alphabet to Deaf etiquette and way of life. The course has been created for the hospitality sector but also benefits the tourism industry since it does cover most everyday and commonly used signs used for holidaying or traveling.

Why Learn American Sign Language for Hospitality?

If you want to provide excellent customer service, the ability to accommodate Hard of hearing individuals is essential. Knowing ASL is sure to impress your guests and will help make your hotel feel like a more welcoming environment.

Hotels have standards and guidelines to abide by and according to the American Disabilities Association, hotels need to have an effective way to communicate with those who are Deaf. This can be anything from an interpreter to advanced computer software.

Imagine an interviewer’s delight when they find out they can hire an employee who knows sign language. Think about how pleased your boss will be to find out you know ASL. Even better – when they find out you’ve been specially trained for the hospitality industry. The demand for ASL speakers is only growing. Give yourself a competitive edge with our American Sign Language for Hospitality course

ASL for Hospitality Course Content

The course is not only designed to be an introduction to ASL. It’s also a look into how American Sign Language can make you a more effective and impactful employee in the hospitality world.

Our ASL for Hospitality course covers;

  • The ASL alphabet so you can spell out people’s names, cities, and countries
  • ASL numbers used for quantity, money, or telling the time
  • Greetings for various situations
  • How to ask for identification, money
  • How to form questions
  • Landmarks and directions
  • Interests/hobbies
  • Food and drinks
  • Critical signs such as medical emergencies
  • Pronouns, prepositions and action verbs, signing tenses
  • Other related terms such as airport, luggage, balcony, etc.
  • … and much more!

Benefits of Taking The Course

  • Build deeper and better connections with your guests
  • Safety! Be better prepared to handle emergency situations
  • Create a more enjoyable experience for your Deaf or Hard of hearing guests by making them not only feel welcome but also at home
  • Effectively communicate with all hotel guests which leads to positive word of mouth and repeat business
  • Learn the dos and don’t of Deaf culture and etiquette
  • Gain a competitive advantage by adding ‘ASL for Hospitality’ on your resume or social profile


No previous knowledge or experience required.


A personalized certificate to add to your resume or share on social media is issued on completion of each course.

Course Content


Start Here


Easy Signs


Manual Alphabet






Family Members


Person Maker – Occupation


Question keys


Preposition/Key Locations




Action Verbs




Weekdays & Times


Signing Tenses








Money Signs




Hospitality Terminology


Deaf Etiquette & Way of Life

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Once you have completed your course you can immediately log in to your account and download/print your certificate.
  • How long is my certificate valid for?
    Your certificate has lifetime validity. It does not expire.
  • How can I pay?
    Our subscriptions are processed by PayPal, Stripe, Apple Pay or Amazon Pay or you can use any Visa, Mastercard or American Express for payments. Cudoo does not collect or store your credit/debit card details.
  • Is my payment secure?
    Your payment is totally secure. All payments are processed through a secure HTTPS web page using SSL. Cudoo never collects or stores your credit/debit card or bank details.
  • How do I use Cudoo once I have paid?
    Once you have created your account and paid, you will receive a welcome email with a link to your learning platform so you can immediately start learning.

Example Lesson

Cudoo Lesson Sample

Example Certificate

Cudoo Certificate Sample

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Course features:

17 hours

Full Lifetime Access

Certificate of completion

1045 Enrolled

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