AuthorJoseph Yaghi

The Pros and Cons of Learning The German Language

The Pros and Cons of Learning The German Language

Learning the German language is a great way to boost your career and reach the EU market. First, you need to accomplish the courses on learning the essential German words and phrases and continue with Cudoo’s German courses. Yet, to get to the fluent level you have to put in a lot of effort. How do know if it worth it? We have prepared for you the list of pros and cons, so you know it. Pros...

What Does Google Page Experience Update Mean For Marketers?

What Does Google Page Experience Update Mean For Marketers?

Google rarely tips off users on changes it plans to make when it comes to ranking sites. Site owners, webmasters, and marketers are always thrown in limbo when they wake up and find new ranking algorithms in place. To stay updated with these changes, they learn as fast as possible, and the skills acquired help them anticipate future changes and update existing ones. In a twist of events, Google...

Tips to Improve Your Public Speaking Skills

Tips to Improve Your Public Speaking Skills

The fear of public speaking can be devastating and nerve-wracking for millions of people around the world! Some people would prefer to be thrown into a shark tank or be bitten by a snake rather than speak in public. Who wants to be in front of a live audience? Yikes! Just thinking about speaking in front of others in some cases will cause nausea, tremors, heartburn, anxiety, and an adrenaline...

The ultimate guide to the Arabizi language

The ultimate guide to the Arabizi language

Arabizi known as Arabglish or Arabglizi is a language that gained popularity among young generations with the emergence of technology and social media. Arabizi is a mixture of English and Arabic words, the Arabic text is written in its transliterated form using Latin characters and numbers that represent certain alphabets in Arabic, basically writing Arabic in English. Arabizi has become a great...

Most Spoken Languages in 2021 and Why You Need to Know Them

Most Spoken Languages in 2020 & Why You Need to Know Them

Certain languages are gaining popularity on a global scale and at a rapid pace. Some of these languages are making grounds due to the emergence of new economies or a shift in the global business environment. With language learners growing along with the shift in the global political and economic landscape, there is a constant reshuffling in the list of most spoken languages worldwide. Here’s our...

Lebanese Arabic useful words and phrases

Lebanese Arabic useful words and phrases

The Lebanese Arabic dialect is among the most influenced Arabic dialects, due to a large number of expatriates coming to Lebanon and governing the Lebanese people. The Lebanese people have even mixed Arabic and English to make their social media communication easier called Arabizi. Lebanese people even have their own slang words and phrases that they use in their everyday conversations. In this...

The Health Benefits of Weight Loss

The Health Benefits of Weight Loss

We all find ourselves on the weight loss journey for one reason or another. Whether it is to keep fit, maintain one’s shapely figure, or simply embrace a healthier lifestyle, and keep diseases at bay.  But before setting any weight loss goal, it is important to understand the health benefits of losing weight. This is bound to keep you motivated during the challenging moments of your weight loss...

How easy is it to pass abstract reasoning tests?

Aptitude test

If you want to pass an aptitude test such as the abstract reasoning test, the best thing you can do is devote time and energy into practice. There are hundreds of different practice aptitude tests to try, from numerical and diagrammatic reasoning to situational judgment – and each one will help you hone the skills needed to get faster and more accurate. What is an abstract reasoning test...

Coffee Culture From Around The World

Coffee Culture From Around The World

Here is an awesome way to take in new cultures from around the world. Have a cup of coffee at the local plaza, piazza or platz and soak in the local culture like never before.

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