
Announcing the New Guidelines for Guest & Sponsored Posts

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First, Cudoo apologizes. The guest post/ sponsored post guidelines on the main site are out of date. The web team is so busy, they won’t be able to update for a few days. While we wait, the Cudoo content team can update everyone whose been sending us requests for more info via the magic of WordPress. Here are the new guidelines you’ve been waiting for. Where’s the money? Taking...

Call For Cudoo Course Conquerors

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What is a Cudoo Course Conqueror? Besides an opportunity to express our alarming attraction to alliteration? It’s an opportunity to use our wealth of words for YOU!! Yes, you. Cudoo is searching for students who successfully smashed through barriers, completed a Cudoo course and used what they learned. Did learning ASL for Hospitality help you get a job in that bougie boutique hotel everyone...

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