Psychology Hacks for Sales: The 4-Step Guide

Need to up your sales?

It’s time to get outta your comfort zone, get over rejections, and start selling more.

No-BS psychology hacks can help you sell more. Here’s what our team learned from the course: Get smarter now with Cudoo’s 4-Step Sales Guide- Use Psychology Hacks to Sell More

Watch Your Body Language

Have you looked in the mirror lately? It’s not just that people are wearing their pjs; it’s how pjs make us feel. Cozy. Comfortable. Settled. Want to amp up sales? Put some pants on. You need to look and feel successful to make a sale.

Non-verbal communication is more than how you fold your arms or smile. It’s everything you communicate through your physical appearance.

When you actually put some clothes on your lazy butt, consider your target customer. What clothing would instill trust in you from them? It could be jeans and a flannel shirt. Or a jacket and tie. Or a uniform. Think first about your customer and then get dressed to make an impression on them.

Next, think about how your body language communicates that you are listening. Sales is often focused on scripts and overcoming objections when customers really want to know their concerns are heard. Validate their concerns and desires with empathy. Repeat their words back to them. Once a customer believes you care about their needs, you can offer solutions.

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Angela Britcher, M.A. is a communications and business professor, instructional designer, and content marketing professional.

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