In today’s world, we have the luxury of expanding our education beyond the confines of the

conventional approach. Through the use of information technology, we can access a vast array of resources and knowledge conveniently and easily.

Technologies like the internet, video conferencing, and e-learning platforms have revolutionized the way we learn, allowing for a more efficient and effective learning experience. Utilizing online tools, students can access course materials and lectures in real-time, receive feedback from expert instructors, and interact with other learners virtually.

Online IT training has become a popular choice for individuals looking to upgrade their skills in information technology. It’s an opportunity for individuals to improve their IT skills without attending in-person classes.

Not to mention cost-efficiency—It’s no wonder a staggering 98% of US companies have already incorporated e-learning into their practices!

Read further to discover the applications of information technology in e-learning and its benefits.

5 Staggering E-Learning Statistics

Before we dive into the benefits and applications of IT in e-learning, here are some intriguing stats from the field:

  • E-learning increases employee engagement by up to 18%
  • The USA accounts for one of the largest e-learning markets, alongside Europe
  • Every single dollar a company spends on e-learning is an investment that pays off by approximately $30 in return
  • 42% of the companies that invested in online learning claim to have increased their revenue
  • The overall impressions of e-learning are so high that 95% of students that have taken an online course would recommend it.

The Application of Information Technology in E-Learning

The advance of technology is based on making it fit in so that you don’t really even notice it, and it’s part of everyday life”—Bill Gates.

Truly, IT has revolutionized our world to the point we can’t imagine a single day without using our smart devices.

Smart homes, advanced learning, international business management, and outsourcing… We’ve become so used to IT technology without being truly aware of it.

Here are some of the crucial applications of information technology in e-learning—the tools that make future generations go beyond traditional learning.

Learning Management Systems (LMS)

LMS platforms allow for managing, tracking, and delivering online courses and training programs. These platforms provide learners with the ability to:

  • Access their course materials hassle-free.
  • Receive feedback from instructors.
  • Interact with other learners in discussion forums.

They also allow instructors to:

  • Create and deliver online courses and assessments.
  • Track learner progress.
  • Manage administrative tasks.

Multimedia Content

With technological advancements, e-learning courses can now be delivered through multimedia content, such as videos, animations, and simulations.

Virtual and augmented reality technologies (VR and AR) have also been integrated into e-learning programs, providing an immersive learning experience.

These multimedia formats make learning more engaging and memorable, allowing learners to better understand complex concepts and retain information longer. Plus—they’re fun and exciting!

For example, an IT training course might include a video tutorial on how to configure a server or an interactive simulation that allows students to practice troubleshooting network problems.

Virtual Classrooms

Virtual classrooms have emerged as an essential tool in the realm of e-learning. Through video conferencing platforms like Zoom and Skype, students and teachers can engage in live, real-time discussions, share ideas, and collaborate on projects.

Virtual classrooms give students access to expert instructors from all around the world, regardless of their location. They also provide a way for students to receive immediate feedback, ask questions, and work together in small groups. In the post-pandemic world, virtual classrooms have become a necessary tool for students and teachers, as they offer a safe and efficient way to continue learning.

Mobile Learning

With the widespread use of mobile devices, mobile learning has become a popular way of accessing and delivering training programs. It allows learners to access training materials from anywhere, at any time, and at their own pace.


Yes, it’s an official term. It involves incorporating game-like elements into online training, such as points, badges, and leaderboards. This approach can:

  • Increase learner engagement,
  • Boost motivation and retention
  • Make the learning experience more enjoyable and rewarding

5 Benefits of Online IT Training

Among the numerous benefits of online IT training, these are the leading ones:


Online training allows students to complete courses at their own pace and schedule, which can be practical for people juggling multiple responsibilities (motherhood, a job, etc.)


Through e-learning platforms, students can access courses and lectures from anywhere, as long as they have an internet connection. The convenience can be reflected in the fact there’s no need for physical attendance and the ability to gain access to the course recordings at all times.


Online training is less expensive than traditional classes, which pays off for employees and business owners. There are no travel accommodation costs, no books and additional materials, and no need for travel expenses!


E-learning platforms allow for a higher degree of customization and personalization when compared to traditional learning methods. Their customization lies in the inner programmed software that allows for materials to be accessed accordingly to the student’s own pace and progress.

Up-To-Date Information

E-learning courses are updated with the latest information in the area of expertise. Thus, you can be assured you’ve caught up with the needs of your employer and the latest practices.


The use of information technology in e-learning has transformed the way we learn and acquire new skills. The applications of IT, such as learning management systems, multimedia content, virtual classrooms, mobile learning, and gamification, have made learning more engaging, convenient, and cost-efficient.

Moreover, online IT training has become a popular choice for individuals and businesses looking to upgrade their skills and increase revenue. With the numerous benefits of e-learning, it’s no wonder that most US companies have already incorporated it into their practices.

If you’re interested in online IT training, check out the best Atlanta Information Technology Services and invest in your future today! With the pace of technological advancements, online IT training can provide you with the opportunity to stay up-to-date with the latest information and skills required in the fast-paced IT field.

For basic web development courses, check out



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Angela Britcher, M.A. is a communications and business professor, instructional designer, and content marketing professional.

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