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5 Interesting Facts About The Spanish Language

5 Interesting Facts About The Spanish Language

Spanish language as we know it today, derived from a dialect of spoken latin that evolved in the north-central part of the Iberian Peninsula after the fall of the Western Roman Empire in the 5th century.

5 Reasons Why You Should Learn Russian

5 Reasons Why You Should Learn Russian

Russian is the fifth most spoken language in the world, boasting 277 million speakers around the world, including 154 million native speakers. Below are the top 5 reasons why you should learn Russian. 1. International Speakers Russia is rich in writing, philosophy, traditional music, artful ballet dance, engineering, and innovation. Russian is the most broadly spoken “Slavik” language...

Smart Companies Use Formal and Informal Learning

Smart Companies Use Formal and Informal Learning

In work, as in life, informal learning is a constant and a given. It isn’t new; it may have changed its method but not its essence since the explosion of e-learning or mobile learning. That said, is formal learning on its way out?

What is Dayparting and Why You Need To Know

What is Dayparting and Why You Need To Know

This broadcasting term has been completely high jacked by the mobile marketing gurus. Dayparting: dividing the day into several parts and providing unique programming during each. Since the world went mobile, suddenly Dayparting has expanded over 24 hours, for both viewing and e-commerce, and reduced down to Microparting messages.

Top 10 Takeaways From ATD 2016 Conference & Expo

Top 10 Takeaways From ATD 2016 Conference & Expo

Each year, when we attend the ATD Conference and Exposition, we have a fuzzy feeling inside, proof of our passion for the training and development industry. Each year, the show is bigger and better. After three incredible days in the ATD buzz, we’ve come back to our desks filled with inspiration.

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