The Ed Tech News for January 9, 2023

Did you know Cudoo is part of the Edusity family of companies? We’ve started the process of bringing everyone together to help as many individuals, companies and organizations meet all of their training, development and educational goals. One of the services we offer our global community of the curious is this weekly round up teaching and learning news that inspires our EdTech adventures as we develop tools, engage in instructional design, create curriculum and write content.

What can you learn about wetland biodiversity by reading a story from the perspective of a frog? A little bit less than you can learn from a lecture, you’ll enjoy learning from the frog more. The results come from a study that investigated the impact of teaching science as a story or narrative.

Kyra Ricci, a doctoral candidate at the University of Wisconsin Madison and her team created a graphic novel set in a marsh. The team provided random groups of teachers with either an art-based lesson plan using the graphic novel or a more traditional Powerpoint presentation. After the lessons were delivered, the third graders were then quizzed about their knowledge of wetland bio-diversity and the results of the two lesson plans were compared.

The results hint a need for mixed teaching methodologies in science learning.The group who were given the graphic novel lesson reported a more positive perception of science. The method also helped students feel more engaged compared to the traditional lecture. However, students using the lecture method reported more trust in science. They also did better than the art-based students on the quiz. .

“You can only do so much with one-way communication teaching: actually engaging students is the next step,” said Ricci.

Amphibian Adventures: Beyond the Vernal Pool, the graphic novel featured in this study was designed, illustrated and written by Nora Hines, Christina Jacob, Apurva Singh, Kathleen Lu, and Emma Glembocki who are all undergraduates at Binghamton University.

Press release:

Every time we think we’ve learned all there is to know about nutrition, someone invents a new diet! With all the distractions of Keto, intermittent fasting or DASH, folks still need some support to learn the basics like eating five servings of fruit and vegetables a day. Public Health England says that only a third of adults eat enough fruit and vegetables. The figure is only12 % among eleven to eighteen-year-olds.

The SMART-5-A-DAY app was created by Bournemouth University in the UK to help users learn not only to eat 5-a-day, but what their portion sizes should look like and what sources those fruit and veg should come from.

“Almost everyone knows they should eat five a day,” said Katherine Appleton, Professor of Psychology at Bournemouth University, “But when we looked a little further, it was clear that a lot of people did not know what counts towards the target, they did not know what a portion size is, and many did not realize that they needed to eat five different things. Our studies also showed that lower knowledge was associated with lower consumption of fruits and vegetables.”

Press release:

CES 2023 in Las Vegas started yesterday and continues through the weekend. Included in the EdTech business news from the conference were several product announcements from Triple G Ventures about tools to serve music education.

One of the technology accelerators projects are the non-profit mobile production studios aboard the John Lennon Educational Tour Buses. On the road since 1998, each bus has a crew of 3 producers/educators who live onboard. Another project, Boots N Cats offers arts education rooted in Hip Hop culture through programming, clinical research, and professional development. Their goal is to use Hip Hop as a tool for improving physical and mental well-being.

Press release:

The EdTech News is produced by the Edusity family of companies to extend the conversation about teaching and learning both online and on-ground. The family of companies includes Edusity,com, instructional design and curriculum development consultancy The Babb Group, academic job search support at and Cudoo.

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Kate Baggott is the Head of Content and Communications for the Edusity family of companies that includes Edusity, Cudoo, The Babb Group, and Professor Services. Together, the four brands offer a full suite of online learning tools and services from learning management technology, to instructional design and curriculum management and support for the academic job search and recruitment.

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