Dr. Alexander Waibel (2012) believes that it isn’t the lack of connectivity or the tools used to link one another but rather the absence of other forms, such as language and culture, which negatively affects the growing phenomenon of globalization and hinders the interdependence that is supposed to bring people across the world together.
10 Reasons Why A Trip to Lebanon is A Must
Lebanon, a 5000 plus-year-old country, with a population of over 5 million people, is located in the Middle East, bordering the Mediterranean sea on one side, and Israel and Syria at the other. This small Mediterranean nation forms a fascinating connection between the West and the Middle East; of tradition and modernity; of Christianity and Islam. It’s where family, religion, and culture...
7 Signs That You Speak a Foreign Language Fluently
Defining “fluency” itself is a task that seems tricky, and while it is the ultimate goal every language learner yearns to achieve, most don’t realize how fluent they’ve become until after someone points it out. So, when are you fluent in a language? Linguists generally agree that foreign-language fluency is achieved when linguistic processing switches from controlled to automatic. This simply...
6 Reasons Why Entrepreneurs Must Learn A New Language
You’ve recently started a new business and you have a thousand different ideas and projects for growth. We know the feeling – it’s exhilarating. We also know that proper, professional communication is what takes a start-up to success. Whether it’s through language training or a business English course, strengthening your communication skills will allow you to better convey your company message...
13 European Words That Don’t Mean What You Think
How Millennials are Redefining the English Language
Some of you might be familiar with the term “Millennials” as well as the terms that have been coined by them. Well, as it happens this article might just be the perfect one for you fam (#WordsUsedByMillennials). Let’s start by defining this cohort which, might I warn, is not very easy to do. The age bracket hasn’t been universally agreed upon but to keep things simple in this post, we’ll define...