With every country and language comes a different culture and a different way to approach a person you find attractive. Spanish is widely spoken in over 20 countries and you never know when you might bump into a beautiful Spanish Señorita or handsome Spanish Señor. Spain is known as a country of beautiful and passionate men and women. To break the ice, try to impress them with something clever or interesting, or share a joke to make them laugh. Avoid showing signs of nervousness, as with many things in life, confidence is key!
The Spanish language is known to be very expressive, tied with melodic sounds, making it one of the most romantic languages to learn. For example, there are many ways to say ‘I love you’ in Spanish such as te amo – I love you (serious and deep love), te quiero – I love you (more casual love), te adoro – I adore you (passionate love).
So whether you are planning a trip to a Spanish speaking country or trying to get with a friend you have romantic feelings for, here are 16 phrases to introduce you to the world of flirting in Spanish. So are you ready to get flirtatious in another language?
pick-up lines
¡Hola! ¿Estudias o trabajas?
English: Hi! Do you study or work?
Pronunciation: ‘’OH – lah / ehs – TOOH – dyahs / oh / trah – BAH – hahs’’
*Note* This, along with the following sentence, is the standard way to start a conversation with a person you like in Spain. Not the most original one, but is very typical.
Te invito a una copa
English: Let me buy you a drink
Pronunciation: teh / een – BEE – toh / ah / OO – nah / KOH – pah
Cuidado, que los bombones al sol se derriten
English: Careful! Chocolate melts with the sun.
Pronunciation: kwee – DAH – doh / keh / lohs / bohm – BOH – nehs / ahl / sohl / seh / deh – RREE – tehn
*Note* This makes reference to the fact that chocolate melts from the heat of the sun.
¿Qué hace una estrella volando tan bajito?
English: Why is a star flying so low?
Pronunciation: keh / AH – theh / OO – nah / ehs – TREH – yah / boh – LAHN – doh / tahn / bah – HEE – toh
He perdido mi número… ¿Me das el tuyo?
English: I have lost my number… May I have yours?
Pronunciation: eh / pehr – DEE – doh / mee / NOO – meh – roh / meh / dahs / ehl / TOO – yoh
Eres un ángel que se ha caído del cielo.
English: You are an angel fallen from the sky
Pronunciation: EH – rehs / oon / AHNG – hehl / kah – EE – doh / dehl / THYEH – loh
¿Crees en el amor a primera vista o tengo que pasar otra vez?
English: Do you believe in love at first sight or should I walk in front of you again?
Pronunciation: KREH – ehs / ehn / ehl / ah – MOHR / ah / pree – MEH – rah / BEEs – tah / oh / TEHNG – goh / keh / pah – SAHR / OH – trah / behth
Tus ojos brillan como las estrellas.
English: Your eyes shine as the stars do
Pronunciation: toos / OH – hohs / BREE – yahn / KOH – moh / lahs / ehs – TREH – yahs
Tienes una sonrisa preciosa
English: You have a beautiful smile
Pronunciation: TYEH – nehs / OO – nah / sohn – REE – sah / preh – THYOH – sah
Estás muy guapa
English: You look very pretty
Pronunciation: ehs – TAHS / mwee / GWAH – pah
¡Qué camisa tan bonita!
English: What a nice shirt
Pronunciation: keh / kah – MEE – sah / tahn / boh – NEE – tah
No tomes mucho azúcar, que ya eres muy dulce
English: Do not take much sugar, you are sweet enough already.
Pronunciation: noh / TOH – mehs / MOO – choh / ah – THOO – kahr / keh / yah / EH – rehs / mwee / DOOL – theh
Eres muy educado
English: You are very polite
Pronunciation: EH – rehs / mwee / eh – doo – KAH – doh
Tu colonia huele de maravilla
English: Your cologne smells wonderful.
Pronunciation: too / koh – LOH – nyah / WEH – leh / deh / mah – rah – BEE – yah
Me encandila tu sonrisa
English: Your smile is charming
Pronunciation: meh / ehng – kahn – DEE – lah / too / sohn – REE – sah
Eres la chica más bonita que conozco
English: You are the most beautiful girl I know
Pronunciation: EH – rehs / lah / CHEE – kah / mahs / boh – NEE – tah / keh / koh – NOHTH – koh
your First Date
Vas a sacarme los colores
English: You are going to make me blush
Pronunciation: bahs / ah / sah – KAHR – meh / lohs / koh – LOH – rehs
Estás más guapo que el día en el que nos conocimos
English: You look better than the day we met
Pronunciation: ehs – TAHS / mahs / WAH – poh / keh / ehl / DEE – ah / ehn / ehl / keh / nohs / koh – noh – THEE – mohs
No me puedo creer que estés soltero
English: I can’t believe you are single.
Pronunciation: noh / meh / PWEH – doh / kreh – EHR / keh / ehs – TEHS / sohl – TEH – roh
Me encanta cuando sonríes así
English: I love it when you smile that way
Pronunciation: meh / ehng – KAHN – tah / KWAHN – doh / sohn – REE – ehs / ah – SEE
Esta cita ha sido espectacular
English: This date has been wonderful
Pronunciation: EHS – tah / THEE – tah / ah / SEE – doh / ehs – pehk – tah – koo – LAHR
¿Vamos a tomar la última copa?
English: Should we have another drink elsewhere?
Pronunciation: BAH – mohs / ah / toh – MAHR / lah / OOL – tee – mah / KOH – pah
Falling in Love
¡Te quiero!
English: I love you.
Pronunciation: the / KYEH – roh
Creo que me gustas
English: I think I like you.
Pronunciation: KREH – oh / keh / meh / GOOS – tags
English: Kiss me
Pronucation: BEH – sa – meh
¿Qué sientes por mi?
English: What do you feel about me?
Pronunciation: keh / SYEHN – tehs / pohr / mee
Pienso en ti todos los días
English: I think of you every day.
Pronunciation: PYEHN – soh / ehn / tee / TOH – dohs / lohs / DEE – ahs
No te puedo sacar de mi cabeza
English: I can’t get you off my head.
Pronunciation: noh / teh / PWEH – doh / sah – KAHR / deh / mee / kah – BEH – thah
Tengo muchas ganas de estar contigo
English: I really want to be with you.
Pronunciation: TEHN – goh / MOO – chahs / GAH – nahs / deh / ehs – TAHR / kohn – TEE – goh
Te echo mucho de menos
English: I miss you so much.
Pronunciation: teh / EH – choh / MOO – choh / deh / MEH – nohs
Quiero que volvamos a vernos
English: I want to see you again.
Pronunciation: KYEH – roh / keh / bohl – BAH – mohs / ah / BEHR – nos
Making it Official
¿Quieres ser mi novio?
English: Will you be my boyfriend?
Pronunciation: KYEH – rehs / sehr / mee / NOH – byoh
¿Quieres ser mi novia?
English: Will you be my girlfriend?
Pronunciation: KYEH – rehs / sehr / mee / NOH – byah
¿Por qué no nos casamos?
English: Why do not we get married?
Pronunciation: pohr / keh / noh / nohs / kah – SAH – mohs
Te voy a presentar a mi familia
English: I will introduce you to my family.
Pronunciation: teh / boy / ah / preh – SEHN – tahr / ah / mee / fah – MEE – lyah
Estoy muy enamorado de ti
English: I am so in love with you.
Pronunciation: ehs – TOY / mwee / eh – nah – moh – RAH – doh / deh / TEE
Imagino un futuro a tu lado
English: I envision a future by your side.
Pronunciation: ee – mah – HEE – noh / oon / foo – TOO – roh / HOON – toh / ah / too / LAH – doh
No pasa un día sin que me hagas sonreír
English: A day does not go by without you making me smile.
Pronunciation: noh / PAH – sah / oon / DEE – ah / seen / keh / meh / AH – gahs / sohn – rreh – EER’’ Había olvidado lo que era querer a alguien
Había olvidado lo que era querer a alguien
English: I forgot what loving somebody felt like.
Pronunciation: ah – BEE – ah / ohl – bee – DAH – doh / loh / keh / EH – rah / keh – REHR / ah / AHL – gyehn
Flirting is a great way to get out of your comfort zone and by dropping a few flirtatious Spanish words and phrases in your conversation you are sure to get their attention! Remember to be yourself, portray confidence, and make lots of eye contact. If they laugh, smile or flirt back you know it’s working 🙂
Learning more about the Spanish culture and speaking their native language is a sure way to connect and impress your love interest. Take our online Spanish course and go more in-depth with the poetic Spanish language.
Want to know how to flirt in other languages? Check out our related articles;
Flirting in French
Flirting in Arabic
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Flirting in Swahili
Andrie Steliou
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