9 Most Popular EdTech Trends To Watch Out for in 2022/23

Technology in the education sector is evolving at a rapid pace. In the coming years, revolutionary EdTech trends sweeping across this segment will make education online much more interactive and practical. 

According to a report by the business research company, in 2022, the global education market size will increase to $ 3191.79 billion, a compounded annual growth of 10.7% over the previous year. 

The COVID-19 crisis has given a big push to this economy, and the accelerated growth we see in this sector will remain steady for the foreseeable future. However, you may wonder what to expect next in the EdTech sector. 

What is the EdTech Sector? 

EdTech encompasses the entire digital technology framework that includes hardware and software to enhance the teaching quality or simplify learning. EdTech can consist of laptops, interactive whiteboards, translation devices, or your smartphone. It could also include highly sophisticated virtual reality programs or online learning platforms. 

EdTech has numerous benefits, some of which include the following: 

  • It promotes immersive learning.
  • Personalized learning plans for individual students.
  • EdTech provides easy access to educational resources.
  • It makes education fun and exciting.
  • EdTech helps collaboration between teachers – students, and students – students easier.
  • EdTech helps reskill or upscale the students to prepare them for the job market. 

Now that you have understood the EdTech sector and its massive benefits, it is time to understand the future trends in this sector. 

9 EdTech Trends to Consider  

Here are the top 9 Edtech trends that you should keep an eye on for the next few years.

1. Blockchain 

One EdTech trend is blockchain application. Blockchain builds an educational infrastructure that is decentralized, secure, and transparent. EdTech platforms can use blockchain to integrate learners, professionals, and teachers into appropriate subjects and materials. 

When specified conditions are met, courses and lessons can be created and delivered autonomously using blockchain. Progress can be tracked in real-time using innovative contractual capabilities. It helps institutions secure papers and information such as admission, participation, payment, and grading records. Students can safely receive their diplomas and certificates, access them, and have them confirmed as needed. Because blockchain automates many manual procedures, it lowers the cost of schooling. 

2. Gamification of the Teaching Process to Make Learning Exciting 

Incorporating game-based solutions into the traditional classroom via tablets, laptops, and virtual reality (VR) can boost engagement and improve learning results. As the need for high-quality education that leverages technology develops, education institutions are increasingly using game-based and gamification education tactics to make learning more exciting. 

3. Increased Use of Big Data for Customized Teaching 

The available data about education and students’ learning patterns is growing significantly with each new day, and greater leverage is projected in 2022. Data is already used in higher education to evaluate student progress and involvement, allowing teachers to provide individualized assistance to students. They can personalize the teaching to make learning more enjoyable.

E-course effective developers are twice as likely to track student involvement, demonstrating that data analysis pays off and is here to stay. 

Data on students’ learning behaviors aid in concluding each student’s knowledge, allowing them to pursue personalized learning paths at their speed. This is already happening with self-paced distance learning. Following the epidemic, about 73% of higher education students prefer to attend online classes, and teachers will continue to provide online options. 

4. Use AR, VR, and XR in Daily Learning  

Maintaining a learner’s focus and attention on a topic is a significant difficulty in online education. More innovations to boost interactive learning will be seen in 2022, with new technologies such as virtual reality (VR), augmented reality (AR), and extended reality (XR) allowing students to view and experience ideas in a near-real setting. 

Apart from providing active learning, these tools will aid in developing virtual labs for technology and science students. This will help pave the way for offering more realistic online disciplines.

Online education is poised to take another leap forward by embracing breakthrough technologies and establishing new techniques. 2022 is a critical year for online education and the EdTech sector since it will see the market consolidate with more advancements. 

5. Flexibility 

The COVID-19 epidemic compelled learning institutions, course designers, and developers to become more adaptable in the knowledge delivery process. Thus, flexible digital learning is here to stay and will only become better in 2022 and beyond. 

Many universities have experimented with synchronous vs asynchronous learning, allowing students to select whether to attend courses online or watch videos after class at their leisure. 

This will enable students more accessibility and liberty in attending classes while allowing teachers to record lessons on their own time. Asynchronous learning will very certainly continue, notably in higher education. 

6. Cloud Computing 

Cloud technology in education is predicted to increase at a 25.6% CAGR (compounded annual growth rate). According to current trends, the cloud will be a powerful catalyst for EdTech in K-12 education. 

The primary drivers of this trend are studying outside of the classroom, the need to lessen management burden, and competitiveness among academic institutions. Some notable use cases in Cloud Tech in the K-12 market include seamless, frictionless communication, scalability, and cloud-based ERP software. 

The most recent advancements in cloud computing and digital services necessitate a review of security postures to protect against cyber-attacks and data theft. More cloud services will drive cybersecurity advancements as more academic institutions seek a secure environment. 

7. Nano Learning 

This lesson introduces a new EdTech concept. In this disruptive technology trend, students can acquire quick knowledge resources via bite-sized courses precisely when and where they require them.

Nano-learning will become more popular in the future. Nano-learning can seamlessly mesh with the current societal need for methods of imparting knowledge and skill in today’s hectic world. 

8. Personalized Education 

There was a time when one educator was allocated to at least 50 students, and parents didn’t mind. Customized education is rapidly becoming the new reality as classes become more diverse and complicated, and exposure to technology aids in addressing the requirements of every student.

Technology tools can assist teachers in providing a customized educational experience for pupils beyond the prescribed curriculum. 

9. Animation 

Our initial go-to technology is animation. Animation is synonymous with the cartoon industry. Nonetheless, animation’s promise extends beyond mere amusement. Education institutions are increasingly using animation to impart knowledge, and it has become a crucial element in the eLearning process. Animation can increase student engagement and information retention by using good narrative and quality information that simulates real-world settings. 

The unique nature of animation that allows it to reimagine real-life scenarios makes animation different from other teaching methods. Instead of drowning students in text-based training materials, animation incorporates audio, image, and motion elements to engage different senses of students and motivate them more. 


The EdTech industry is growing rapidly, and it is expected to reach great heights in the near future. Therefore, you should be familiar with the latest things in the industry.

Whether you are an educator creating a course, an enthusiastic learner, or someone who is just keeping their first foot in EdTech, all the EdTech trends shared above will help you move ahead in the industry quickly. 

If you have an excellent idea & want to enter the EdTech industry, you can approach GuruTechnoLabs – an educational app development company. They have a highly talented team of professionals who will understand your idea and provide you with a solution to survive and thrive in the EdTech industry.

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