Advance Your Career with a TEFL Certificate

Every single day there are people looking for ways to take their careers to the next level or even change careers. Are you interested in teaching? Do you have teaching experience? If you answered yes to either of these questions and you would like to take your career to the next level, or get back into the groove of teaching, maybe it is time to consider a career Teaching English as a Foreign Language (TEFL).


At Cudoo, we offer an accredited TEFL certification course. With our TEFL course, you can learn online at your own pace from anywhere in the world. This allows you to complete the certification at your convenience. 


What are the benefits of becoming a certified TEFL instructor? Well, it would give you the opportunity to have an income without leaving your home. You could teach online from the comfort of your home, or even while travelling. In addition, you could work with other companies as a freelance instructor. 


Also, there will also always be a need for English instructors. Since the pandemic, schools and education centres are operating at full capacity again, which means more teachers are needed. Many students missed out on a lot of essential learning opportunities during the pandemic and now are more in need of assistance from instructors. There are many international opportunities for TEFL instructors in the Middle East and Asia. 


Andrie Steliou, TEFL trainer and Cudoo Development and Partnerships Manager, believes that “the TEFL course is an investment everyone should make at some point in their lives, whether they want to shift careers, learn new skills, develop as a teacher, or even travel and work around the world.” 

When asked what she likes about the Cudoo platform, Andrie says, “It has very clear and easy to use instructions. At the end of the course one can easily print their certificate which has the awarding body and accredited CPD number.” 


Enroll today to earn your certificate and start earning.

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Leonie Ramkaran

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