Flirting in French: Top Words and Phrases You Need to Know

When in France, flirt like the French.

The French language is often considered to be one of the most romantic languages in the world and the French are literally masters when it comes to the art of seduction. Being a bit flirtatious when meeting someone is pretty normal, and culturally acceptable. However, it’s important to be subtle!


So, how does one master the art of flirting in French without any faux-pas?  

Whether it’s a handsome monsieur or a charming mademoiselle, using some flirtatious French words and phrases is a sure way to get their attention. Let’s start with 20 popular and common French flirting phrases, and the dos and don’ts, to develop your seductive “je ne sais quoi” (aka something special).

1. T’as d’beaux yeux, tu sais?

Meaning:  You have gorgeous eyes, you know?
Pronounced: ta dbo yoe, too say (without saying the y)

This is probably one of the most known French pickup lines. However, make sure to say it after having established a minimum of communication. If not, this might be seen as a very corny approach. Unless you have a charming accent.

2. On se fait la bise?

Meaning:  “La bise” is a non-romantic kiss used as a greeting in France. Here you are asking if you can do it.
Pronounced: on sfeh la biz

While this is a normal greeting in everyday French life, asking for it with a hint of cheekiness can be flirtatious. Ideally, ask it to someone you’ve just been introduced to.

3. Si on prenait un verre un de ces quatres?

Meaning:  What if we grabbed a drink one of these days?
Pronounced: Si on prenay (without saying the y) on ver on d (d sound) say (without the y) katr

If you fancy someone and want to see them again, you could use this sentence. It’s perfect for hinting that you want to see that person again. 

4. Tu veux sortir avec moi?

Meaning:  Do you want to go out with me?
Pronounced: Too vuh sortir (pronounce the last r) avek moo-a

Be careful with this sentence as it can be used romantically or simply with friends. The context and tone will make all the difference. 

5. Je peux vous offrir un verre?

Meaning:  Can I buy you a drink?
Pronounced:  juh p (p sound) voo ofrir on ver (roll every r)

It’s an ideal sentence to get a conversation going and to quickly figure out if there’s a chance.

6. On peut se tutoyer?

Meaning: In French, there are two versions of the word you: “vous” is used formally and “tu” is far more informal. When you ask “on peut se tutoyer?”, you are basically asking if you can speak more informally.
Pronounced: on p (sound of the letter) se tootooa-yeah

This sentence can be used to break the formal barrier if you want to have a chill conversation.

7. Vous êtes célibataire? 

Meaning:  Are you single?
Pronounced:  vooz ate say-leeba-tayr (don’t pronounce the y and roll the last r)

It can be rather useful to know if this beautiful lady or gent is free, so feel free to ask! Moreover, french people enjoy a bit of flattery. If they are free, ask them “how is that possible?” Or in French: Mais comment est-ce possible (meh coman s (pronunciation of the letter) possibl).

8. On se fait un câlin?

Meaning:  Should we hug each other?
Pronounced:  on s (sound of the letter) fay (don’t pronounce the y) on calan 

Would you like to hug the person in front of you? Well, why don’t you ask them?

9. J’adore ton sourire

Meaning:  I love your smile.
Pronounced:  Jaydor (don’t pronounce the y and roll the r) tone soorir (roll both r’s)

If you want to let this charming person know that you “like” them, this cute sentence is perfect!

10. Tu as quelque chose sur la bouche/le visage

Meaning:  You have something on your mouth/face
Pronounced: too a kelk choz sir la booch/viisaj

This is ideal if you are eating with the person you fancy. The other person may have some food on the corner of their lips or their face and then, you (may or not) gently stroke it off after saying this sentence.

11. Je t’apprécie

Meaning:  I like you
Pronounced: juh tapray-c 

Clearly, you have talked quite a bit and you want to make it known that you appreciate the person. You can say “je t’apprécie” which is basically a light-hearted version of I like you. 

12. Embrasse-moi

Meaning:  Kiss me
Pronounced: anbrass moo-a

At this point, this is pretty straightforward. Make sure that the other party is interested beforehand! 😉

13. Je te trouve beau/belle

Meaning:  I find you beautiful (beau for a man, belle for a woman)
Pronounced: Juh t (t sound) troov bo (man)/ jay (no y) t (t sound) troov bel (woman)

This one is also straightforward, you are clearly stating you find this person beautiful.

14. Je suis tombé amoureux/tombée amoureuse

Meaning:  I fell in love (if you’re a man/if you’re a woman)
Pronounced: juh soo-i (the i is pronounced as in the word hiss) toombay (don’t pronounce the y) amooreh (roll the r) — for women: juh soo-i (the i is pronounced as in the word hiss) toombay (don’t pronounce the y) amooreh-z (roll the r and pronounce the sound of z rather than the letter)

15. J’ai eu un coup de foudre!

Meaning:  I fell in love at first sight!
Pronounced: juh u (french pronunciation of the letter) on coo duh foodr

Literally this means you have been struck by lightning. Nonetheless, it does mean that you fell in love at first sight! 

16. Tu es mon rayon de soleil

Meaning:  You are my ray of sunshine
Pronounced: too eh mone rayon duh solei (pronounce the “e” as eh and the “i” independently)

Not unlike the song “You are the sunshine of my love” this sentence clearly states your affection and love.

17. Ma chérie / Mon chéri

Meaning:  A cute and casual way to say “my dear”.
Pronounced: ma cherry (to a woman)/ mon cherry (to a man)

Okay, don’t start saying this to someone you’ve just met. However, if you have started casually dating, this is an adorable way to express your affection. Listen to “My chérie amour” by Stevie Wonder to get in the mood!

18. Tu me manques

Meaning:  I miss you
Pronounced: too m (pronounce the sound m) mank

A must know to let the other one know how much you miss him/her. 

19. Je t’aime

Meaning:  I love you
Pronounced: juh tem

This means that flirting has been a success! 

20. Je veux passer ma vie avec toi. 

Meaning:  I want to spend my life with you.
Pronounced:  juh veh paceh ma vi avek too-a

Well, the sentiment speaks volume. Congratulations! 


Knowing these flirty French phrases and the correct pronunciation will help you immensely to flirt with a French-speaker. As mentioned earlier, keep in mind that the French love subtle flattery. So, avoid being too heavy too soon and be patient. Patience is key to win the heart of a Frenchy

There’s no dating protocol as such in France. They improvise a lot. Thus, feel free to be spontaneous and be prepared to flirt. Especially if you are a man. French women tend to have most of the power when it comes to dating. 

One date or three dates isn’t a done deal in France. However, once you have kissed, it’s pretty much assumed that this blossoming relationship is exclusive. 

So, un, deux, trois…get flirting! Take our online French course and go more in-depth with the beautiful French language.

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