5 Ways Lifelong Learning Is an Investment That Keeps on Going

In Singapore, the state takes the development of human resources seriously. With few natural or geographic advantages, the country has adopted a strategy that aims to develop the potential of its native population.

Today, the country has the highest human development index in Asia, leading the world in some key categories for human development. Part of the reason the country does so well is its emphasis on adult education. State-sponsored programmes such as SkillFuture aim to keep the country’s older adult population productive and innovative, offsetting the advantage other nations have in graduating large numbers of younger people into their workforces.

It’s not just the state that benefits from lifelong learning either. Skills future courses and other adult education initiatives also have some very real benefits for the individuals taking them. The benefits of investing in lifelong education are multi-faceted and well-supported by data. Here are just some of the ways lifelong learning helps pay for itself:

1. felong Learning Increases Your Earning Power

For many older individuals, continued education is not only necessary for earning a higher income but is also needed to maintain relevance in one’s chosen profession. It’s a well-researched phenomenon that higher educational levels tend to come with a corresponding increase in income potential. However, the fast pace of technological and social disruption can quickly erode the value of a degree or certification if competencies are not regularly maintained. This is part of the reason for the creation of SkillsFuture courses and why many fields now require regular refresher courses and recertification.

2. Continued Education Can Be Personally Fulfilling

The intellectual stimulation that comes with overcoming challenges is a big motivator for many people who choose to continue formal learning into middle and late adulthood. Many people find that constantly learning new things or honing those that they already have provides grounding and meaning to their life.

Of course, this does not apply to everyone. Personal fulfilment is very subjective after all. Some people may be driven by a need to earn better prestige or a higher income while others may be content to live an unassuming and uncomplicated life. Nevertheless, it’s clear that a lot of individuals derive much pleasure from pursuing knowledge for its own sake.

3. It Allows You to Build Upon Previous Learnings

Regardless of whether you’re learning for personal or professional reasons, chances are that you will be able to harness your newfound knowledge in exciting ways. In many cases, you’ll find that SkillsFuture courses or adult learning programmes will give you a new perspective on things you already know.

This good news is that you can still enjoy this benefit even when taking subjects outside your main discipline. In fact, taking a course in a seemingly unrelated subject may very well be key for making intuitive leaps that would never happen otherwise. Many types of cross-disciplinary competence are quite rare and may even be quite valuable on the global job market, particularly in places with a mature innovation ecosystem.

4. Education Later in Life Allows for Better Socialisation

Friendships are a necessary component of maintaining one’s well-being. Unfortunately for many people in modern and increasingly individualistic societies, the number of quality friendships often tapers off as one ages. Continuing studies later in life offers a good opportunity to meet new people and expand one’s social circle according to specific interests.

This not only helps increase the odds of forging new personal relationships but professional ones as well. Countless professional relationships have been created thanks to the existence of lifelong learning opportunities. The combination of knowledge, experience, maturity, and intent makes these adult-oriented classes a great place to find new and productive relationships.

5. Adult Learning Helps Maintain Your Mental Health

Individuals engaged in lifelong learning also see multiple benefits to their mental health. Individuals who have larger incomes, who are more personally fulfilled, or who are more active socially are often positioned to deal with emergent mental health issues. Indeed, there are many studies that prove the relationships between mental health and income, life satisfaction, and socialisation. Improvements in these areas are also associated with better longevity and happiness.

Though adult education does not guarantee improvements in these areas, it can increase the chances that one may receive a mental health boost later in life. Additionally, better-educated people tend to have healthier behaviours and are more likely to take active steps to improve their mental health.

In any case, lifelong learning is also associated with more direct benefits for maintaining and improving mental acuity. Research strongly suggests that adult learning can be crucial for slowing down or even stopping age-related cognitive decline. Learning new skills, particularly challenging ones, is also associated with improved memory in older individuals.

Make Your Best Career and Life Choice Yet

While many professionals see continued education as merely a means to an end, they may not necessarily realise just how beneficial lifelong learning can be. Fortunately, lifelong education opportunities such as SkillsFuture courses are easily available to adult learners in Singapore. Whatever your reasons are for going back to school, chances are, you will get back more than you expected.


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