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Top 5 Places You Must Visit in 2021

Top 5 Places You Must Visit in 2021

Winter is fast approaching, which can only mean one thing: It’s time to start planning your adventures for next year. If you need some inspiration, look no further than our jam-packed guide that features classical favorites and up-and-coming destinations.

The Best Countries to Do Business in for 2021

doing business

Every year, The World Bank releases a report which ranks 190 economies around the world and details which countries are best to start a business in. They look at 10 different aspects of doing business to help you better choose where you work and what you learn!


British Sign Language

What is British Sign Language (BSL)? People around the world are impacted by different degrees of hearing loss but one or more forms of sign languages are always found in every region, making everyday communication possible. While the American Sign Language is the most widely used mode of communication in this regard, the British Sign Language, also known as BSL, is a close second.  In fact, it...

Flirting in Russian: Top Words and Phrases

Flirting in Russian

How would you break the ice, initiate a conversation, or express your feelings to a special someone from Russia? Russian women appreciate it when men go the extra mile to dress nicely and are well-groomed. Compliments and romantic gestures such as opening doors and giving her unexpected flowers, especially roses are great ways to catch her interest. If you buy a bouquet, make sure that it has an...

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