Idioms are everywhere in the English language. They vary slightly from region to region, however, it’s important to be able to identify an idiom in English to save yourself confusion.
Effective use of Technology in the Classroom for TEFL Teachers
“The Secret of Change is to focus all of your energy not on fighting the old but on building on the new.” – Socrates What technology should be used in a TEFL classroom? There is no doubt that teaching in a classroom without the use of technology nowadays is fighting the old and not focusing on the new! The teaching market is one that is full of great opportunities that can be truly...
12 Popular Chinese Idioms and What They Mean
The key to testing your understanding of a new language is to see how well you know the different aspects of the language such as tongue twisters, idioms or proverbs. Knowing when to use an idiom can elevate your language using experience while offering an insight into the roots of the language. Chinese idioms are witty and poetic, with some as old as the language itself. In Chinese, idioms are...
5 Countries That Need English Teachers
English is a global business language and hence it is not surprising how the demand for learning English is growing exponentially. While English is a requirement for many to migrate to or survive in an English-speaking country, there are many more who take up English for higher education or to advance their careers and/or business. Just as the demand for English students is increasing, there is...
What to do during your visit to Jordan
Jordan a country known for its historical artifacts and breath-taking landscapes. From Crusader and Islamic castles to Roman ruins that have been perfectly preserved to this date. A country with the lowest point on earth, known as the Dead Sea, and the Iconic Petra. We have gathered the perfect list of what to do while you are visiting Jordan. When you’re visiting Jordan make sure you: ...
How to Successfully Expand Your Business in Asia
Expanding your business to new grounds can be both exciting and intimidating. On one hand, you’re opening up to an entirely new market, and on the other, you have to make sure you’re thoroughly prepared for the expansion. Not to mention, there’s the little problem of deciding where exactly to expand, as the whole of Asia is ripe with opportunities, but there is also a wide variety of...
Why Should You Invest in a Resume Builder Service
As job seekers are only too aware of, creating a resume can be a difficult process. Many people invest days, weeks, or months into perfecting their resume. It isn’t even as though perfection is unimportant when it comes to your resume, seeing as it’s the biggest tool you have in your quest for a new job. With that in mind, it’s clear as to why some job seekers rely on professionals to...
Differences Between Mexican Spanish and Castilian Spanish
Spanish is a language that has users in Central and Southern America as well as Spain, in Europe. With over 500 million speakers across 23 countries, Spanish is also a romance language, deep-rooted in poetry and art. However, the Spanish spoken in Central America is very different from that spoken in Spain. While the language shares its roots and is identical in structure, there are some subtle...
Learn These 18 Greek Romantic Words And Phrases That You Can Use!
When thinking of romance and love, Greek doesn’t always come to mind. Yet, keep in mind that Greece had a “God of love” which is the famous Eros. Eros was known for how passionate he was and his physical desires, Eros used to select his targets and forcefully strike their hearts, confusing them and filling them with irrepressible feelings. On the other hand, Greece had an...
5 Popular Indian Languages After Hindi
India is the largest country in South Asia and the second most populated country in the world. The word “Indian” comes from Sindhu, a local name for the Indus River. There are many things India is known for; spicy cuisine (Butter Chicken is definitely our favorite), Bollywood, the Taj Mahal, vibrant festivals, cricket, and yoga. However, the diversity of languages in India is not...