A bestseller and now ranked one of the most popular TV series of all time, Game of Thrones has left its very prominent mark in the literary and cultural world. With the series comprising some stunning one-liners, the dialogues are equally famous and quoted often.
10 Characteristics that Make a Good Language Teacher
Learning a language can feel like a daunting task and a seemingly impossible achievement. Teaching a language, however, can seem even more intimidating. You are probably reading this because you are wondering what are the qualities of a good language teacher? Most teachers will know that fluency in a language (while definitely important) is not enough to be an effective teacher. Teachers are...
Dining Etiquette Around the World
Learning how to eat the right way in the country you plan to visit is an important part of the prep before a trip. Just like looking up common phrases in the foreign destination’s language, or the climate your future trip location enjoys – researching the local dining etiquette can save you from seeming rude or committing a faux pas. Tipping, cutlery usage, and even seasoning should be kept in...
The Science Behind Efficient Learning
“I am learning all the time. The tombstone will be my diploma.” This quote by Eartha Kitt is profound in that as human beings, we never truly stop learning. We learn how to walk, how to talk, to read, write, and develop as many skills as we need to become active and functioning contributors to our society. But in the meantime, have we spent enough time learning how to learn?
How to Prepare for a Job Interview and What to Expect?
200 Action Verbs to Use in Your New and Improved Resume
Resume building is essential – it is the first piece of document reviewed by any recruiter and is used by any company to form a first impression to decide whether you are worth hiring. Action verbs are vital in resumes, to show what you have contributed and where you have added value, rather than just providing a job description. Show how you can be an asset. Spice up your resume with our...
Smart Icebreakers That Will Make You Better at Networking
Small talk is a huge, yet unavoidable aspect of networking. The pressure of trying to connect quickly and effectively with complete strangers can be stressful, sometimes even causing to stray away from the situation entirely. However, small talk need not reduce you into a panic stricken state of silence! Follow our 8 simple yet smart icebreakers to practice and turn you into a pro...
What is Bullet Journaling and Why is It So Effective?
Created by Ryder Carroll, a designer from Brooklyn New York, the Bullet Journal has been a massively popular trend in organization and task management over the last few years. With social media, especially Instagram, Pintrest and Tumblr, now swamped with content regarding Bullet Journaling, it is evident how widespread the phenomenon is, and how many people are now swearing by this method for...
Enable the Extended Enterprise with One LMS
A learning management system (LMS), is a learning software application designed to deliver, track and certify online courses and training. E-learning differs from traditional learning methods by using online training with real-time tracking of results, allowing for maximum time optimization and reduced costs. An LMS delivers and manages instructional content, and typically handles student...