The Rise and Rise of Klingon: A Guide to the Klingon Language

The Klingon language has been popular around Trekkies (Star Trek fans) since it was introduced on the big screen almost three decades ago. Now, non-Trekkies are having a go at learning the Klingon language.

Learn Klingon and join a group of very interesting people in a very exclusive language club, where you can be safe in the knowledge that not many people are going to be able to eavesdrop!

Here are the answers to the most common questions regarding Klingon.

Who are the Klingons?

Klingons were introduced in `Star Trek: The Original Series’ in 1968. They were depicted as an aggressive warrior species that were English speaking until 1979. Upon the release of Star Trek: The Motion Picture the characters replaced English with guttural sounds. This was to be the basis of the Klingon language.

What is the Klingon language?

The Klingon language is the constructed (made-up) language spoken by the fictional Klingons in the Star Trek universe.

Initially, the Klingon language was just guttural sounds that had no particular meaning or structure. Actor James Doohan and producer Jon Povill of Star trek: The Motion Picture gave the initial words and sounds for Klingon.

A professional linguist, Dr. Marc Okrend, was then asked to develop this language further in 1984 for Star Trek III: The Search for Spock. Originally, the characters used guttural sounds or English in the series and films, until this fully-fledged language was launched.


How was the Klingon language developed?

Klingon language was developed from scratch. Yet the extraterrestrial seeming sound is similar to those that exist in all human languages and so does the grammar used. However, it’s the combination of the two that makes Klingon as unique as it is.

Okrend did not base Klingon on any particular language. He used his in-depth knowledge of language to create a completely different language. Not only did he coach the actors on using the language, he also corrected the mispronunciations and amended Klingon accordingly. He went on to publish his description of Klingon as ‘The Klingon Dictionary’. Some Trekkies, or Star Trek fans, found the book to contain sufficient information to attempt learning the language.

Is Klingon the only fictional language out there?

Fictional languages, or ‘conlangs’, have been used in various literature pieces, movies and television shows. The most popular conlang, apart from Klingon, was Elvish, as created and used by J.R.R Tolkien in the Lord of the Rings saga. Klingon, however, stands out as the most spoken language that is based on a movie.

Why do I need to know the Klingon language?

Though the exact numbers are not available, it is estimated that there exists only 30-40 speakers who are fluent in Klingon. Let’s put it like this. The population of the Earth is 7.5 billion. Amongst the 7.5 billion, there are only 30-40 fluent speakers. Should you learn Klingon, you have a very good chance of being the only person in your country to understand and speak Klingon!

Next time you want to pass a secret or help out a friend at ‘Pin the tail on the donkey’, use Klingon to help him/her out.

That said, Klingon has a small community of very faithful followers and users all around the world, who may now be fluent but can at least greet and meet in Klingon. It is a growing group and the sole basis for interaction is the language itself. You can meet people from all walks of life and from different corners of the globe and talk about your favorite movie of the Star Trek franchise.

How about bringing the characters to life at your next Halloween party or a Comic-con? Not only will you look like a Klingon, you will be able to communicate like one too, for real, prize-winning authenticity.

This energetic and expressive language has gained an iconic following amongst “Trekkies”, and if a language is all about communication, then this certainly qualifies. Don’t dream of going to a Trekkie convention without at least a few words of Klingon…

Have a go today and unlock a universe where you really need to know Klingon.


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