Balancing your time attending school and earning a living can be a bit difficult. You have to commit yourself to your work after going to your classes for almost eight hours per day. These struggles require you to give sufficient time and exert full concentration, causing mental and physical endeavors. Although most people think that being a working student can affect their performance in school...
What Skills Will Be Needed In A Post Pandemic World?
The coronavirus pandemic has changed the world forever. Everything from industry to the economy and even globalization has been impacted. A big shift brought about by COVID-19 has been the number of people working from home. The pandemic also caused a shift in the education system. Schools, institutes, and universities moved their classes online for a semester while others have gone online for...
White Label LMS: Everything You Need to Know
In 2020, online learning services made a huge leap. More people are doing things remotely and many are turning to online courses to develop new skills or upskill and stay relevant and competitive. Many industries are now also looking to offer online training. This creates new income opportunities, adds value, and helps differentiate them as a brand. For example, the travel industry is adding...
11 Popular Scuba Diving Hand Signals
Scuba diving has grown in popularity over the years and for good reason. Unlike snorkeling, you are able to freely move underwater and discover a whole new world. You can connect with nature and encounter creatures, unlike anything you have ever seen before, from marine mammals to colorful fish and endangered species. Clear communication is critical when scuba diving. As you descend underwater...
The last few years have seen education make enormous strides. The number of digital tools and learning methods available to people has grown at an astonishing rate. This has made learning easier for many people. Whereas before you were limited to the confines of schools, colleges, and universities, now online instructors or self-study courses can be accessed from the comfort of your home, this is...
The 5 Best Languages to Learn for Business
Perhaps you’ve been thinking about learning a new language for business or to build a successful career. Whatever may be your reason, the benefits of learning languages for business are aplenty! According to a US-based recruitment company, almost 40% of employers plan to hire bilingual or multilingual employees in 2021. As communication is key for any successful relationship, knowing the local...
Amazing Facts About American Sign Language
What a Psychology Degree and Certification Can Do for Your Career
There are many benefits that come with studying psychology in traditional brick-and-mortar schools or educational institutions. But what about undertaking an online course? Will you have the chance to qualify in the fascinating field of psychology using resources over the internet? As you probably already know, psychology is one of the most famous majors in universities for decades running. And...
What is a Mnemonic Device?
Simply put, a mnemonic device is a memory aid. Chances are, you’re pretty familiar already with some of them. So much so that you may not even realize that your memory tricks are mnemonic devices! Things such as the alphabet song, nursery rhymes, and multiplication fact songs are all examples. Mnemonic devices are truly used in all walks of life. In fact, these are also used to help those...
8 Tips to Help You Master Interviews
Do you freeze at the idea of doing an interview? If you are anything like me, the thought of an interview can be a source of stress since there is normally a lot at stake; a job I’ve always wanted, career advancement, or simply wanting to make the right first impression. Most of us experience this because we spend hours working on our resumes and cover letters but unfortunately do not put in the...