CategoryLanguages & Culture

Some Remarkable Purple Heart Medal Stories on this #PurpleHeartDay

Purple Heart Day

The Purple Heart, America’s Oldest Medal, is awarded to members of any of the United States Armed Forces who are wounded by an instrument of war, are killed in action or die of wounds received in action, according to the U.S. Army. There’s estimated to be roughly 1.8 million recipients, 1.07 million of those were awarded during WWII. There are some amazing stories behind Purple Heart...

A Look Back at Toni Morrison’s Remarkable Life Achievements


Kingkongphoto &; from Laurel Maryland, USA [CC BY-SA 2.0 ()] Morrison died yesterday, August 5th at the age of 88. Her book Beloved is the winner of a multitude of prizes, as well as her many other novels and works. She had lived an incredible life and had an incredible impact on so many lives. Some of her most notable achievements include; Quite the list of Literary...

What is a Mnemonic Device?


Simply put, a mnemonic device is a memory aid. Chances are, you’re pretty familiar already with some of them. So much so that you may not even realize that your memory tricks are mnemonic devices! Things such as the alphabet song, nursery rhymes, and multiplication fact songs are all examples. Mnemonic devices are truly used in all walks of life. In fact, these are also used to help those...

How to Avoid that #FridayFeeling at the Office


Most of us know that feeling, 5 pm on Thursday hits, the only thing in between you and the weekend is Friday. Then all day, you have that #FridayFeeling. It’s unbelievably easy to allow yourself to just go to work and do very little or spend most of the day socializing with your co-workers because you’re just so close to the weekend. If you’re trying to perform well today to...

Mindfulness Tips & Practices to Keep You in the Zone

Mindfulness Tips

We do a million things during the day but how many of them do we actually wholeheartedly focus on while we’re doing? While it was once used to treat depression and anxiety, mindfulness practices are now being used outside of the therapy world, daily.  Being mindful has many health benefits, says John Kabat-Zinn, founder of the Stress Reduction Clinic at the University of Massachusetts Medical...

Pokémon Self-Analysis Quiz for Prospective Employees


Have you ever wondered what your spirit animal would be? What about your spirit Pokémon? Well, Nintendo and The Pokémon Company take their hiring process very seriously. In order to apply for a position within the company, you must first take their Pokémon Self-Analysis. This self-analysis asks you many of the questions you would expect from a prospective employer, like “do you like data and...

Twitch Streamer Bugha wins $3m at Fortnite World Cup

adult competition concentration

On Sunday, 16-year-old Kyle “Bugha” Giersdorf took home 3 million dollars from the Fortnite World Cup. Not only did he get to take home that money, but he also is officially the first-ever Fortnite World Cup Solos champion.  eSports is competitive video game playing, typically amongst professionals. Some of the games played are Call of Duty, Overwatch, Super Smash Bros., Madden NFL and many more...

7 of the Greatest Olympic Moments from Around the World

7 of the Greatest Olympic Moments from Around the World

The Tokyo 2020 Summer Olympics are officially one year away! If you’re itching with anticipation for the World’s games, here’s a little fix to tide you over for a bit! Having historic roots, these games bring together the world for a few weeks every few years. The Olympics are a statement of politics and showmanship, a battle for the title of the best! Over the years, the world has watched...

Comic Con 2019 – The Most Important Announcements

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As the 50th San Diego Comic Con comes to a close it’s obvious there’s no shortage of things to talk about. From Jensen Ackles and Jared Padalecki crying during their final Supernatural panel to Marvel Studios releasing their game plan for Phase 4, it was an exciting weekend.  Some notable announcements this weekend were: Marvel Studios Marvel Studios did not disappoint, as per usual, when they...

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