6 Ways to Help Your Child Prepare for Their ICSE Class 10 Exam

The Indian Certificate of Secondary Education or ICSE Class 10 exam is an annual test conducted by the Indian Secondary Certificate Examination or CISCE, a private board of school education based in India.

It is a test that evaluates the knowledge and understanding of students in various subjects, including biology, chemistry, maths, and physics.

The ICSE Class 10 exam is usually considered a stepping stone for students’ future careers. When your child takes this test, they can use the marks they obtain as a basis for choosing their preferred stream.

If your child is enrolled in a school with an ICSE curriculum, they are at a great advantage when they take the Class 10 exam. Learning centres with this programme put a strong emphasis on actual applications, assignments and practical tests for all the subject areas.

Because of this, the school has better facilities for students to understand, apply and remember the topics they learn.

Moreover, learners can get the support they need to succeed academically and be sufficiently prepared for the ICSE Class 10 exam.

Supporting Your Child’s ICSE Class 10 Exam Preparation

Self-study is crucial for students about to take the ICSE Class 10 test. They need to prepare well for the exam to obtain their desired scores.

Your child can use your help as they do their revisions and get ready for their exam. They need your support and assistance to get through this arduous and stressful time.

Below are some tips you can follow to support your child as they prepare for their ICSE Class 10 test:

1. Remind your child to be attentive in the classroom

The thought of taking the ICSE Class 10 exam can make your child focus more on the preparation process so they might end up paying less attention to their schoolwork and in their regular classes.

This is a mistake you want to help your child avoid since you don’t want their grades to suffer even if they need to get good marks on the ICSE Class 10 exam.

Moreover, it’s important for the students to continue being attentive in their classes since there’s a chance that whatever they are studying will come up during the exam.

Staying focused is particularly crucial during the students’ in-classroom revisions. Your child needs to understand all topics the teachers are discussing and take notes whenever necessary so they can remember them when they take the test.

Because of these reasons, you need to remind your child to focus on their lessons whenever they are in school, whether these are their regular classes or revisions.

2. Ensure your child knows the test syllabus

Your child’s teachers will give them the test syllabus before the exam. Make sure your youngster knows it since it can help them greatly with their revisions and other prep work.

The ICSE syllabus contains the subjects covered by the exam, which are:

  • Biology
  • Chemistry
  • Commercial applications
  • Commercial studies
  • Computer applications
  • Economic applications
  • Environmental applications
  • Geography
  • History and civics
  • Home science
  • Physical education
  • Yoga

The syllabus also provides details about the units and chapters of these subjects the test will cover.

With this syllabus, you can help your child come up with a study plan.

3. Help your child create a study plan

After going over the ICSE syllabus, help your child make a study plan they can follow.

Ask your child to set targets for each subject and decide which ones must be covered within a specific timeframe.

Remind your child that they can designate more time reviewing tougher subjects and less on the easier ones. However, make sure they pay equal attention to all topics so that they avoid getting low marks in some areas.

Once done, your youngster can create a timetable they can follow daily.

If your child has difficulties making a study plan, help them create one.

Whether your child creates the study plan on their own with your help, make sure it is realistic. They should be able to follow it and still have enough time to do their regular coursework every day.

Their study schedule should also include a few breaks so they have time to relax and don’t experience burnout.

Once your child has made a timetable, help them stick to it. Prepare a comfy, distraction-free study space for them. Encourage them to avoid looking at their smartphone and other devices while studying.

Give your youngster healthy snacks and beverages whenever they study as well.

4. Give your child additional sample question papers

Your child’s teachers will give them several sample question papers during their revisions. However, you can give them additional ones to answer when they review at home.

Answering these sample papers can help your youngster familiarise themselves with the exam pattern and the types of questions they have to answer during the test.

It will also help them have an idea about the difficulty of the exam, important topics, time limits, and marks weightage.

Encourage your child to answer at least one sample paper every day four to five months before their scheduled ICSE Class 10 exam to maximise this test preparation strategy.

5. Help your child score their answered sample papers

Another great way of helping your youngster prepare for their ICSE Class 10 exam is by checking the sample papers they answer.

After your child completes a paper, check and go over it with them. Discuss their mistakes and help them find the correct answers.

Take note of the errors that your youngster tends to repeat and remind them of these. Help them understand the topics they are confused about or have difficulties with.

Do some research to give your child additional details if they need more explanations or alternative solutions to trickier maths or science problems.

6. Give your child constant emotional support

Preparing for an exam can be hard and stressful. Your child needs your emotional support to help them get through the process and get the marks they are aiming for.

Focus on boosting your child’s confidence levels. Help them maintain a positive attitude so they can manage their revision tasks, coursework, and stress levels.

Avoid putting additional pressure on your child. This means reminding them about their assignments and projects but not nagging them.

Ask your youngster when and where they need help with the preparation process and always be there for them when they need your support.

With your help and the school’s ICSE curriculum, your child can prepare well for the Class 10 exam and build the foundation they need for their future academic and career growth.

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