3 Secret Tips Top Leaders Use To CRUSH The Competition!

Tip #1: What is the MAIN Function of a Leader?

Strangely … Most “Leaders” don’t know!

The MAIN Function Of A LEADER: A True Leader INSPIRES … And Gets Staff To Follow The MISSION.


The Staff FOLLOWS Because They WANT To Be A Part Of That FUTURE

Give your staff a vision of something GREAT you are going to do together … Something that will have Meaning and give their lives Purpose.  People are STARVED for this!  True Leaders get Staff Excited about what they are doing everyday … and their staff are driven by Purpose

Example: When I was a Therapist in a Mental Health Facility – Our Mission was: “To Save Lives … To Save Families … To Save our Community!”

Example: When I worked in a Flooring Store – Our Mission was: “To Start with ONE Store and Ultimately be the Biggest Chain in The State. HOW? By Caring for our Customers and Community More than any competitor!”

Tip #2: LEADERS Focus Intensely On What Is MOST Important For The Business

Ask Yourself: What am I doing that is MOST important to the long-term Profitability and Longevity of this Company?

TRUE LEADER: A REAL Leader KNOWS they DON’T get paid to just do the day-to-day business of the company. That level of “Leadership” is just enough to NOT get fired. A True Leader focuses intensely on how to GROW the business/department.

ASK YOURSELF: What do I get PAID for? You do NOT get paid to order staff around. You get PAID to make the company MONEY!  No PROFITS … No PAY!

Constantly focus on what you can be doing to 1) increase sales,2) boost profits and 3) save the company money. Sounds simple right? Do YOU have a WRITTEN PLAN for doing this? OPPS!  THIS is why most “Leaders” are really just “Managers.” They Manage the Business (Keep it afloat) .. Leaders GROW the business.

Tip #3: TRAIN Your Staff

In a typical company … Payroll is 60% of ALL expenses.

Companies are basically NOTHING but Employees in a building.

NOTE: Your Employees are your Biggest Expense … and your Biggest Asset!

Question: What have YOU done to Train Them Properly?

The FATE of your Company Rests on how well your staff is trained. YOUR career also rests on how well your staff is trained. They are constantly making you look good … or bad.

Training them properly does NOT mean they can do the basic functions of the job … That is JUST a Starting Point!

One study showed that 74% of employee time was spent doing things you would NOT want to pay them for. This means that 74% of your Payroll is going down the toilet! Let me ask you a question – Have your staff had even ONE Training on Time Management? Why not?

Do you have WRITTEN PLAN for Training Your Staff? Why not? And don’t give me the cop-out that the Corporation has a Training Plan … We all know those stink! What is YOUR Training Plan to get Superior results from YOUR staff?

REMEMBER: The Quality of My Results … Will be based on the Quality of my Training!  Products don’t beat the competition … STAFF DO!  The BEST Trained Staff WINS!

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Prof. Paul J. Cline

"Prof. Paul" Is An Award-Winning Celebrity Educator, Coach, Therapist And CEO Of Advanced Ideas, Inc. His Courses Transform Well Over 100,000 Lives Per Year ... And Climbing! Prof. Paul J. Cline Has Been On A Mission For Over 35 Years ... To Help People Excel Personally & Professionally ... By Providing Them With The Latest & Greatest Cutting-Edge Tools And Strategies. His Skills Give You An Unfair Advantage In Life. Check out his website at: https://www.MyAdvancedIdeas.com

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