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How Millennials are Redefining the English Language

How Millennials are Redefining the English Language

Some of you might be familiar with the term “Millennials” as well as the terms that have been coined by them. Well, as it happens this article might just be the perfect one for you fam (#WordsUsedByMillennials). Let’s start by defining this cohort which, might I warn, is not very easy to do. The age bracket hasn’t been universally agreed upon but to keep things simple in this post, we’ll define...

Christmas in July – Its A Wonderful Thing

Christmas in July - Its A Wonderful Thing

The sun is scorching; humidity is at an all-time high; everyone is looking forward to having ice-lollies and summer salads and here we are talking about having a warm, heavy Christmas roast dinner instead.

Top Tips for A Trip to London

Top Tips for A Trip to London

Take a trip to London, home to the recently married Royal Couple and the Royal Family, the Beckhams, Madonna, Richard Branson and tons of other cool celebrities, and get on famously with your English skills.

The Growing Need for Multilingual Professionals in Healthcare

The Growing Need for Multilingual Professionals in Healthcare

The USA has always been an ideal destination for immigrants in search of a better life, especially those from developing and ethnically diverse countries. In 1986, the Office of Minority Health (OMH) was formed to ensure that all racial and ethnic groups received the best possible healthcare which in turn led to the establishment of The Centre for Linguistic and Cultural Competence in Healthcare...

Marvel Superhero Names in Different Languages


The ‘Avengers: Infinity War’ film is all set to make a devastating impact on our lives this weekend and as we prepare to welcome the 19th installment coming from the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU), and celebrate the global reach of Marvel comics and movies, we list our favorite Marvel superhero names in different world languages!

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