Learning how to eat the right way in the country you plan to visit is an important part of the prep before a trip. Just like looking up common phrases in the foreign destination’s language, or the climate your future trip location enjoys – researching the local dining etiquette can save you from seeming rude or committing a faux pas. Tipping, cutlery usage, and even seasoning should be kept in...
The Science Behind Efficient Learning
“I am learning all the time. The tombstone will be my diploma.” This quote by Eartha Kitt is profound in that as human beings, we never truly stop learning. We learn how to walk, how to talk, to read, write, and develop as many skills as we need to become active and functioning contributors to our society. But in the meantime, have we spent enough time learning how to learn?
Etymologies of Major Cities
The roots of a city’s name is often associated with the place’s culture, and understanding why and how a place was given its name can result in a fascinating outlook into its traditions, background and historical relevance.
Read on to find out super interesting historical facts about the etymologies of some of the world’s most important cities.
Handsfree Ways to Learn a Language
English Writing Mistakes To Avoid
Fluency in a language does not guarantee perfect grammar. Especially for a language as quirky as English, the correct use of words and spellings can be confusing. Even native speakers are subject to mistakes when using homonyms, commas, and apostrophes. Learn English grammar using these 20 tips, and you never have to suffer the wrath of that one grammar control friend! 1. Its vs. It’s Its –...
How to Earn Extra Income Using Your Foreign Language Skills
In a world that is constantly “shrinking”, the need for effective language communication both personally and professionally is ever increasing. With more people living, working and traveling internationally, fluency in multiples languages is an attractive skill to possess, with multinational companies like Apple and Amazon actively recruiting bilingual and multilingual employees. In fact, the...
50 Words You Can Use Instead of “Nice”
Spice up your “nice”! He’s nice. What a nice dress. Boring! You are now probably thinking what is another word for nice? We are here to help. We will teach you not 1, not 2 but 50 other words for ‘nice’. Learn how to impress your friends, family, teacher or boss, and add delicious flavor to your words.
English Phrases You Need to Know This Summer
Ever hear expressions said in contexts that make no sense? The English language, with its kinks, twists and quirks, can seem complex, when in reality it is a truly a fun language with beach bags of character. With the heat of summer and the hope of vacation upon us, here are 20 unique phrases and their meanings relating to the holidays that’ll definitely help you seem like a native speaker!
Phubbing – Does Your Phone Matter More Than A Friend?
A portmanteau of “phone” and “snubbing”, phubbing describes the habit of ignoring someone in favor of a mobile phone. Initially coined by a campaign conducted by Macquarie Dictionary, the word gained the majority of its traction and popularity due to the “Stop Phubbing” campaign created by Alex Haigh of McCann advertising agency.
The Coolest Travel Idioms in the World
What is an idiom? This is an expression whose meaning is not predictable from the usual meanings of its constituent elements. In other, a bunch of words put together in an unusual way to mean something completely different! Apart from being just downright fun, idioms are also a window into the cultural origins of a language and an amazing way of blending into a new place as a local. We have put...