CategoryProfessional Development

Why is OSHA So Important?

Why Is Osha So Important?

Did you know that every year over 4 million workplace injuries and illnesses are reported? That may seem shocking but with the amount of Americans in the workforce, it seems more reasonable. The United States Department of Labor has a specific agency dedicated to workplace safety; the Occupational Safety and Health Administration or OSHA. 

5 Courses Every Recent Graduate Should Take

recent graduate

It’s mid-August. Typically, you’d be gearing up to go back to school. Only this year is different, you just graduated three months ago. Here comes the dreaded “Well actually, I’m a recent graduate” answer when people ask for experience. If you don’t already have a job, you’re not alone it takes many recent grads up to six months after graduation to find a...

How to Avoid that #FridayFeeling at the Office


Most of us know that feeling, 5 pm on Thursday hits, the only thing in between you and the weekend is Friday. Then all day, you have that #FridayFeeling. It’s unbelievably easy to allow yourself to just go to work and do very little or spend most of the day socializing with your co-workers because you’re just so close to the weekend. If you’re trying to perform well today to...

Mindfulness Tips & Practices to Keep You in the Zone

Mindfulness Tips

We do a million things during the day but how many of them do we actually wholeheartedly focus on while we’re doing? While it was once used to treat depression and anxiety, mindfulness practices are now being used outside of the therapy world, daily.  Being mindful has many health benefits, says John Kabat-Zinn, founder of the Stress Reduction Clinic at the University of Massachusetts Medical...

Money Struggles Every 20-Something Should Go Through and Why

Money Struggles Every 20-Something Should Go Through and Why

Being young and broke is a rite of passage that nearly everybody goes through in their early adulthood. And, although it isn’t pleasant, it is highly instructive and can shape you into a more frugal, more savvy, and even more compassionate person — which will be helpful for yourself and those around you, for the rest of your life. (Plus, often the payoff is the incomparable satisfaction of being...

3 Secret Tips Top Leaders Use To CRUSH The Competition!

transformational leadership

Tip #1: What is the MAIN Function of a Leader? Strangely … Most “Leaders” don’t know! The MAIN Function Of A LEADER: A True Leader INSPIRES … And Gets Staff To Follow The MISSION. TRUE LEADER: The LEADER Has A VISION Of A Better FUTURE And A PATH To Get There! The Staff FOLLOWS Because They WANT To Be A Part Of That FUTURE Give your staff a vision of something GREAT you are going to do together …...

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