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Words in English That Contradict Themselves

Words in English That Contradict Themselves

The English Language can be very ambiguous, especially when it comes to its complex vocabulary and grammar. Among all the concepts of English grammar such as the tenses, modal, imperatives and conditions, there are a certain set of words that have the same spelling but have a completely different meaning.

The Perfect Handshake

The Perfect Handshake

On an average, it is estimated that an individual will shakehands 15000 in their lifetime and yet, 70% of the surveyed population said they lacked confidence when it came to performing the gesture, according to a survey at the car making firm, Chevrolet.

Translating the Handshake Across Cultures

Translating the Handshake Across Cultures

Shaking hands may seem like a universally accepted form of greeting your counterparts, however, what would you do if the other person doesn’t offer their hand? Such as if you are greeting a woman in a conservative Muslim culture in the Middle East, or when your Japanese business contact greets you with a bow!

5 Easiest Languages to Learn for English Speakers

easy online learning

Learning a new language can be liberating as well as frustrating. Once you have learned a new language, your horizons widen, including the number of vacation spots, while a feeling of accomplishment settles in.

Common American Gestures to Avoid when Abroad

Common American Gestures to Avoid when Abroad

You might be going on a holiday, with no care in the world, just wanting to enjoy some fresh local food and doing the usual touristy things. Well, while planning your trip you may or may not be aware of how easy it is to offend people that belong to a different culture. So, rather than unknowlingly offending people or getting a lot of dirty looks on your blissful vacation, it would be better to...

What Are the Hardest Languages to Learn For English Speakers?

hardest language to learn

Having the ability to communicate in more than one language is known to be beneficial for individuals on many different levels. Apart from the obvious social and personal benefits, foreign language skills increase your marketability, improve your resume and open doors to new professional and personal horizons. Multi-lingual people are known to be sharper, smarter and better problem solvers than...

20 Dope Words that Millennials are Using

15 Dope Words that Millennials are Using

For better or worse, all languages evolve, and not just through time, but also within regions. Every 15 to 20 miles you travel, the dialect and lingo changes even within the same states and countries. While some words remain local in the vicinity, some words get picked up by millennials across the board and take a life of their own. Thanks to social media and the internet, this has become a fast...

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