AuthorKashfi Rahman

Top Countries to Visit (On a Budget) in 2021


The year 2019 is soon going to end and as we set ourselves to welcome the new year, with fireworks, parties and celebrations, here I have picked the top 10 countries you should visit in 2021!

Idioms Are Just a Piece of Cake!

Idioms Are Just a Piece of Cake!

You must be wondering what exactly I am talking about here. Many questions arise in your mind such as, ‘Are idioms a type of cake? Or what does idiom even mean?’ Here I will explain to you what are idioms and after reading this article you would definitely agree with me saying “Idioms are actually a piece of cake.”

10 Tips for Advanced Business Writing

10 Tips for Advanced Business Writing

We have all learned in school how to write general essays, argumentative writing and of course a little bit of creative writing as well. By knowing these general forms of writing, we often consider ourselves experts until the day when we are asked to write an important business letter, memo or email. Like everyone else, you turn to Google for ways to excel at business writing. 

Words in English That Contradict Themselves

Words in English That Contradict Themselves

The English Language can be very ambiguous, especially when it comes to its complex vocabulary and grammar. Among all the concepts of English grammar such as the tenses, modal, imperatives and conditions, there are a certain set of words that have the same spelling but have a completely different meaning.

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