Saving the Planet 1% at a Time

This year marks the 50th anniversary of Earth Day. The most pressing issue facing the environment takes center stage as the theme for Earth Day 2020 is ‘Climate Action’. Effects of climate change are already on display for the world to see, with glaciers melting at an alarming rate and the increase of wildfires, the planet is facing the adverse effects of climate change like never before.

Taking care of the environment is important for everyone’s well-being and we are proud to become a member of 1% for the Planet, pledging to donate 1% of annual sales to support nonprofit organizations focused on the environment.

What’s 1% for the Planet About?

1% for the Planet was founded in 2002 by two entrepreneurs, Yvon Chouinard, founder of Patagonia, and Craig Mathews, founder of Blue Ribbon Flies. They realized the importance of giving back to the environment. They pledged 1% of their sales, regardless of profit or loss, to support environmental organizations across the globe. It is a simple movement based on the idea that businesses make a profit utilizing environmental resources. Hence, it is the responsibility of businesses to give back to the environment.

1 % for the Planet connects individuals and businesses to nonprofits who are committed to social and environmental causes, whose efforts contribute a great deal in protecting our planet.

Six-Core Issues

1% of, the parent company of Cudoo, revenue is donated to support nonprofit partners that work in six areas, deemed as issues of vital importance: Climate, Food, Water, Pollution, Land and Wildlife. Organizations like the Wildlife Conservation Society, Earth Guardians, and Fair Trade are some nonprofit partners associated with 1% of the Planet.

Why is it Important?

Because our planet can’t wait. Currently, of all global philanthropy that occurs each year, only 3% of charitable donations go towards environmental causes. That’s a small number. Collectively we can make a significant impact on that small number with an even smaller number: 1%

Here are some of the popular brands that are members of 1% of the planet, some of which you might be already supporting;


Patagonia is an American outdoor clothing company that prides itself in providing gear for silent sports such as climbing, surfing, skiing and snowboarding, trail running, etc. Patagonia has set the bar high for companies to emulate them, in giving back to the environment and utilizing their business for environmental good.


Stasher is a company that prides itself on environmentally friendly storage bag solutions. It is the world’s first and only self-sealing, air-tight, non-plastic bag. Made of 100% pure platinum food-grade silicone, stasher storage bags contain no petroleum, BPA, PVC, and latex, making it safe for people and the planet.


Cudoo is an online learning platform offering over 1300 online language and professional development courses. All learning is 100% online and no printing is required to learn, eliminating our carbon footprint. In addition to being a 1% of the Planet member, Cudoo also offers courses for free to nonprofits, charities, and libraries around the world through our Free-for-Life initiative. 


A brand that is involved in the manufacturing and distribution of sustainable products from stationery to kitchen tools and equipment, they focus on the production of zero waste products. In addition to being carbon neutral, they are also involved in an array of social and environmental projects.

New Belgium Brewing Company

A brewing company that specializes in craft beers, they pride themselves in being pioneers of environmentally friendly brewing techniques and facilities. With an emphasis on protecting land, water, and the people, they have undertaken several initiatives to promote social equity and responsible manufacturing.


A French cosmetic company that started developing facial creams with natural anti-aging properties from grapevines. Caudalie uses natural and sustainably harvested ingredients in its products. Their environmental commitments include initiatives ranging from reforestation to the creation of a sustainable, organic, and fair-trade shea butter industry.

Make Every Day Earth Day

Earth Day is not only about shedding light on environmental issues but also about taking action. The future of our planet is in our hands and giving back is the collective responsibility of each and every one of us. Now is time to take action and with the power of collective impact, we can ensure our planet thrives for generations to come.

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