Tools that Psychics Use to Offer Spiritual Guidance

Psychics are a mystery, even to those who believe in them. This is because they have an intuition that enables them to perceive and interpret spiritual energy accurately. Many people visit psychics when they need clarity on specific issues. Others seek future predictions, especially when their present is full of uncertainties. 

Although psychics have an acute sensitivity to spiritual energy, they don’t rely exclusively on this gift alone. They also use various tools to help them give accurate readings.  

Tarot cards

Psychics use different types of divination decks for psychic readings. The Tarot deck is the most popular. Tarot card readings were first carried out in the 1800s. Before then, the deck was used in a game of cards. 

Today, many psychics use tarot cards to provide psychic readings and spiritual guidance. 

Although the design of the tarot deck varies, each deck has 78 cards. The cards are divided into two, the major and minor arcana. 

The major arcana has 22 trump cards. When a psychic picks any of these cards, you are likely to hear a significant revelation. These cards are usually not in a suit. A single card may represent an important life event in your life. 

The minor arcana has 56 cards that represent everyday influences and experiences. These cards are available in four suits; wands, swords, pentacles, and cups. In some cases, the term “coins” is used in place of “pentacles”. 

Each of the four suits represents a facet of your life. Wands represent passion and creativity; swords represent intellect; pentacles symbolize money and work, while cups represent emotion. 

The suits are also a representation of astrological signs. Wands – fire, swords – air, pentacles – earth, while cups – water. 

For example, if the psychic picks two or more pentacle cards during a psychic reading, the reading is likely to indicate you have financial troubles. 

Oracle cards

Oracle cards are similar yet different from tarot cards. For example, while a deck of tarot cards has a specific number of cards, a deck of oracle cards can have as many cards as the psychic wishes. 

When giving a reading, the psychic will shuffle the cards and then pick one. The message may be from famous literary witches or goddesses. The cards may also contain self-care tips. 

A single card will offer insight into your situation or inspire you. 

Oracle cards can also be spread as the tarot deck. When you approach a psychic with a specific request, they focus on your needs and interpret the card based on that. For example, if you have concerns about your finances, love life, or career, the oracle card reading will reflect your situation. 

Spirit Animal Cards

These cards contain images of various creatures from nature – all of these that are symbolic and contain hidden meaning and characteristics. They can be used to read your past, present, or future.

With these cards, you’d be able to look more into the exact situation you’ve experienced or to plan a few steps ahead in the proper direction explained by your spiritual guide – your spirit animal.

A skillful psychic will be able to properly interpret the message they will try to convey as well as the power you have through your spirit animal.

Angel Cards

Many people, even those who have never visited psychics, know about tarot cards. However, few have ever heard of Angel cards. These cards may not be common, but this does not in any way diminish their importance, especially during a spiritual reading. 

Angel decks contain different images. The images often carry a hidden yet obvious meaning. In some cases, a deck may have simple words, such as peace, wisdom, and healing. 

Psychics who use Angel Cards believe this deck has good vibes and love infused in them. The deck radiates positive energy, which they wish to share with their clients. 

Astrological dice

You have probably come across astrology dice on sale online. Although some people buy them for fun or good vibes, psychics see them as a divination tool that helps them give authentic psychic readings. 

Most sets of astrology dice do not have an instruction manual. However, psychics understand the signs and can interpret them correctly.

Each die has symbols representing the 12 astrological signs, the 12 planets, and the 12 astrological houses. 

Psychics who use astrological dice usually roll and throw the dice, just as you would when playing board games. They then proceed to interpret it, just as they would tarot cards.

The planetary die usually represents your situation. The zodiac sign die symbolizes your emotions, while the house die shows the part of your life currently in crisis. 

For example, if you are concerned about money, the psychic will use the dice to find the answers and illustrate how the presence or lack of money will affect your emotions or relationships. 

These are some of the tools that psychics use during spiritual readings. Real psychics use their gift to analyze the meaning behind the cards they pick or the symbols on the dice. 

These tools have been used for decades; some even go back a few centuries. The tool to use often depends on the psychic’s preference. Some psychics have a stronger connection to some of the tools, hence feel inclined to use them over the others.

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Joseph Yaghi

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