We have all learned in school how to write general essays, argumentative writing and of course a little bit of creative writing as well. By knowing these general forms of writing, we often consider ourselves experts until the day when we are asked to write an important business letter, memo or email. Like everyone else, you turn to Google for ways to excel at business writing.
4 Obstacles to Successful Negotiation
The Perfect Handshake
The Science Behind Efficient Learning
“I am learning all the time. The tombstone will be my diploma.” This quote by Eartha Kitt is profound in that as human beings, we never truly stop learning. We learn how to walk, how to talk, to read, write, and develop as many skills as we need to become active and functioning contributors to our society. But in the meantime, have we spent enough time learning how to learn?
How to Prepare for a Job Interview and What to Expect?
200 Action Verbs to Use in Your New and Improved Resume
Resume building is essential – it is the first piece of document reviewed by any recruiter and is used by any company to form a first impression to decide whether you are worth hiring. Action verbs are vital in resumes, to show what you have contributed and where you have added value, rather than just providing a job description. Show how you can be an asset. Spice up your resume with our...
Smart Icebreakers That Will Make You Better at Networking
Small talk is a huge, yet unavoidable aspect of networking. The pressure of trying to connect quickly and effectively with complete strangers can be stressful, sometimes even causing to stray away from the situation entirely. However, small talk need not reduce you into a panic stricken state of silence! Follow our 8 simple yet smart icebreakers to practice and turn you into a pro...
What is Bullet Journaling and Why is It So Effective?
Created by Ryder Carroll, a designer from Brooklyn New York, the Bullet Journal has been a massively popular trend in organization and task management over the last few years. With social media, especially Instagram, Pintrest and Tumblr, now swamped with content regarding Bullet Journaling, it is evident how widespread the phenomenon is, and how many people are now swearing by this method for...
English Writing Mistakes To Avoid
Fluency in a language does not guarantee perfect grammar. Especially for a language as quirky as English, the correct use of words and spellings can be confusing. Even native speakers are subject to mistakes when using homonyms, commas, and apostrophes. Learn English grammar using these 20 tips, and you never have to suffer the wrath of that one grammar control friend! 1. Its vs. It’s Its –...
Learn the Art of Smart Networking
Learn to love networking. A vital aspect of any career, networking is not only necessary but is also incredibly helpful on so many levels short-term and long-term. It is a source of support for everyday job concerns and helps avoid feelings of isolation, while also being an opportunity to connect with peers in your field. A recent survey by LinkedIn even showed that upto 85% of jobs are currently...